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Maximilian and Victor hurtled through space, wrapped in a fluorescent tube of glowing colours. He saw Victor squeeze his eyes into a squint as they flew through space. Suddenly they tumbled onto a freezing expanse. They were on the floor of a frozen forest. Despite the frigid temperature, the Asgardian tunic was completely thermally sealed. Noticing Victor's worried eyes, torn tunic that had been torn on a rock on the way down, and chattering teeth, he realised that Victor was probably immobilised from the chill. Maximilian tore a strip from his cloak and wrapped it around Victor's neck and mouth like a scarf.

The warm material comforted Victor: "T-T-Thanks Maximilian..." Maximilian smiled and pulled Victor to his feet and frowned: "Darn it, Heimdall was going to send us back to Midgard, but I think we got knocked around Yggdrasil."

Victor looked concerned: "Can we get back to Asgard?"

Maximilian shook his head: "Not with Asgard crawling with frost giants. I suppose we'll have to lay low here until it blows over and then I'll see if I can get Heimdall to send a portal."

Victor nodded: "Sounds like a plan to me."

The two boys huddled together conserving their precious body heat. They slowly shuffled across the expanse of the frozen forest.

Maximilian felt Victor shiver next to him: "Victor? You alright?"

Victor nodded timidly: "Yeah, I'm fine. Just... cold."

Maximilian modded: "Me too."

Victor suddenly grew warmer under him. He squeezed his eyes shut and Victor began to grow warmer and warmer still. On his right arm, the Kenaz rune blazed red. Maximilian's frosted jaw went slack: "How did you...?"

Victor shrugged: "I suppose my ability to control my father's Kenaz rune is directly connected to my emotions. I suspect since my body doesn't want to die, and apparently I don't want you to die, the Kenaz rune activated. Don't think too much into it."

Maximilian nodded: "I suppose it makes sense. Magic is often temperamental to begin with."

Victor shivered: "I'm still scared."

Maximilian laughed: "I'd be surprised if you weren't."

Victor nodded in agreement: "In the space of maybe 24 hours, I've been kidnapped, taken to Asgard, had to fight my way out of Asgard, and ended up here... and I've had nobody to trust but you."

Maximilian held Victor closer: "For what it's worth, even though we are barely acquaintances, you can trust me."

"I know." came Victor's short answer.

The boys carried on slowly through the frozen forest. 

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