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As the box dissolved, he saw the shadows that filled the sides of the throne room fade away as the shadows too appeared to be illusions. A ring of grey skinned giants each 10 feet tall robed in brown and black leathers and light armour. They all sneered at the enterprising heroes on the stony floor from the stands. Maximilian felt the heat of their haze bore into him. Sol and Maximilian slowly walked towards Utgard-Loki who was now sat at a long mahogany table with a wide assortment of foods sprawled over the table. Maximilian and Sol sat next to each other, shifting subtly in unease other giants adorned with riches and gemstones denoting their rank sat around the table. Their smooth rock grey skin, their 7 foot bodies like rocky spires surrounding them.

Utgard Loki sat at the front of the table, his robes glinting a grey shade of gold in the candle light. Sol fiddled with her silverware, Maximilian distrustfully stared around the table as Utgard-Loki waved his hand revealing a host of luscious, shimmering, appetising dishes of roast beef, cakes, and pork knuckles. Utgard-Loki turned to Maximilian: "My first behest upon you Maximilian Odinson, tell us a moving story, and I want you to make the old giant on the far end shed at least a single tear."

The old giant Utgard-Loki gestured to was wizened and wore wispy black robes, like death walking. Sol gave him a reassuring look: "Go for it Max."

Maximilian took a deep breath and drew from his well of heartbreak and emotional distress, channeling his pain and putting it into words. He didn't have to dig down deep for that pain. He began to speak: "Once upon a time, there existed the sun, the harbinger of the day and light. He stepped out of his comfort zone once, and thus he beheld snowfall. The sun was enchanted by the mystery and delicate nature of the snowstorm. Slowly, the sun crept out form his aloof clouds. The sun in the snow storm created the most spray of colors as the sun and the snow complimented each other most vivaciously. For one beautiful moment, they were beautiful together."

"For one beautiful moment..." Maximilian lingered on that notion, his voice trembled and wavered like a flag in a strong wind. He quickly regained his composure as he refocused his mind upon the story.

Maixmilian continued: "But one day, the sun realised being together, the dangers drawn forth by their partnership together. The sun's dangerous warmth and brightness inspired the snowstorm to many dangers, perilous journeys that would destroy the snowstorm out of their incompatibility. Finally one day, the snowstorm was gone because of the sun's inability to keep it safe, yet little did the sun know, it was his fault all along."

Utgard-Loki and Maximilian both looked at the old wizened man, his neutral face like a stone cliff, unfeeling, unchanging, unmoved. Maximilian finished his story: "The one thing, that the sun considered on his level in the sky, the one thing that kept him company, gone because of him belligerent heat."

The edges of the giant's lips curled slightly but otherwise, completely stoic. Maximilian had to squeeze his eyes shut just to stop the tears slipping slowly from his eyes. Utgard-Loki was the first to speak: "Admirable effort. But you have barely weathered, the target." Utgard-Loki quickly wiped moisture from his eyes. Maximilian quickly sat down, a burning sensation in his chest, Sol placed her hand on his shoulder: "You did great Max. Was that...?"

Maximilian nodded quickly.

Utgard-Loki quickly recomposed himself, and stated: "Commendable but not good enough. I thought the son of Odin would have been a good enough inspirer to inspire emotion for a single tear. Alas."

Utgard-Loki took a large block out of the roast beef and handed it to Maximilian: "No matter, Maximilian Odinson, prove your strength and cut this piece of roast beef with your sword."

Maximilian steadied his tremerous hand as Sol gave him a look of support. Maximilian summoned Gram into his hand: "I can do this. My sword, gift from Odin, will be more than capable."

Maximilian slashes downwards with his sword yet the sword barely scratched the meat. It rebounded off the surface and nearly hit Maximilian in the head. Maximilian recoiled: "How...?"

Utgard-Loki shrugged: "I thought the son of Odin could cut a measly slice of beef."

Maximilian felt the comment stung his Asgardian pride, hefting his sword, his frustration and rage boil forth and his sword sparked with golden energy as he brought his sword down as a wave of golden energy blasted the silverware and plates of hor d'oeuvres off the table as a sound like thunder echoed through the halls as Utgard-Loki trembled uncomfortably, yet the meat was barely scored. Maximilian stared in bewilderment as the surface of the meat was relatively unharmed. Before Utgard-Loki said anything else, Maximilian slammed his lightning charged blade multiple more times to the meat as the thunderous booming rumbled through the halls. Sol clung onto the table, Utgard-Loki stared around, Maximilian's hair buzzed with energy and his eyes glowed gold. Yet the hunk of meat remained untouched. Quickly clearing his throat, Utgard-Loki hurriedly spoke: "I think that's quite enough Maximilian."

Maximilian huffily sheathed his sword: "Very well. Consider this a concession."

Utgard-Loki took a seat and waved his hand has the hunk of beef was whisked away.

Maximilian sat back down in embarrassment, as Sol patted his shoulder in conciliation. Maximilian fidgeted with the pommel of his sword. The rest of the dinner transpired with little incident as Maximilian was relatively embarrassed and flustered as Utgard-Loki questioned Maximilian and Sol about their travels.

Later on into the night, when the dinner had finally gone down, the giants leaving for the night, the candle-lights dim, and the sky dark blue, Maximilian and Sol were lead to their room by Utgard-Loki. Two king-sized beds laid ten feet apart in a 20 foot wide circular chamber with a central table and a fireplace between the two beds and large windows on both sides leading to balconies overlooking the harsh mountainous terrain that encircled Utgard-Loki's castle. Maximilian and Sol were lead into their amiably decorated room by the regal Jotun King. Utgard-Loki boomed: "This will be where you stay for the night. Tomorrow, Maximilian Odinson, prove your strength and valor and maybe we will allow you to pass forth. Tomorrow you will face your final trial. Be warned. This trial is a trial of neither strength, nor speed. Only those of full hearts succeed. Good Night Maximilian Odinson. May you and your companion rest well."

Maximilian could feel the pressure shift upon him like an uncannily hefty burden as the heavy oak door shut behind them. Sol seemed to slowly ease onto her bed as her casual clothes shimmered and turned into a nice flannel set of pajamas. Maximilian crashed onto his bed and groaned. Sol rolled off her bed and placed her hand on Maximilian's back: "You'll need your rest for tomorrow. Trust me. Utgard-Loki will not go easy on you."

Maximilian tilted his head: "I know."

And Maximilian felt fatigue and sleep take him.

Inevitabilityजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें