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She stepped into the crashed chariot as they sat her behind a small table past the prisoner area. It was compact which meant he kidnappers were extremely close to her. The lighting was dim in the room and both Narvi and Vali smelled of cinnamon they had a foxlike look in their yellow eyes, she could definitely see them being sons of Loki just like Victor. They all shared the same manic energy in their eyes. Skylar shrunk backwards so her tunic sagged a bit more: "So boys, what are your demands?" She let charm bleed into her voice which was as much a challenge as not outright attacking them. The first rule of hunting was to never jump to conclusions. For starters there were two of them and one of her. Secondly she didn't know how physically competent they were, but judging by the fact that they were able to incapacitate Maximilian and Victor, she believed they would be able to take her in a fight. Maybe given the element of surprise, she could take one of the brothers out.

Narvi spoke first: "We want you to romance."

Skylar puked on the inside. But she realised that she could easily manipulate this to her advantage. Manipulation wasn't her forte and neither was seduction and she rather not touch the latter with a ten foot pole, but she thought about Victor and Maximilian, and reluctantly stood up and put her face next to Narvi's ear: "You first. Prisoner's room." Her rationale was that Narvi was probably the better fighter so she should probably take him out first. Upon hearing those words she saw his face light up and turn to his brother and say: "Wait here brother."

When Skylar looked the door behind her in the closed practically airtight room. She tried to not awkwardly hold herself close to Narvi, smiling with false lust, with her left hand she started undoing her tunic buttons, taking as long as possible so she wouldn't have to undo too many. With her right hand, she snakes around his belt trying to locate a knife. Inside her head, she was praying for him to stay focused on her body while she searched for the knife.

Narvi smiled wickedly: "You have a most amazing figure."

Disgusted, Skylar responded: "It's for the eyes of just anyone."

Narvi licked his lips: "I shall make it count then."

On that note, Skylar brushed a hard wood handle, Skylar had found a knife, she could celebrate. Just before the last button between modesty and "showing too much of her" was undone, she knees him in the stomach, and placed her hand on his mouth silencing him, pinning him against the wall.

Narvi yelped through the hand, but it came out muffled and indistinct, Skylar held the blade to his face: "You creep. You deserve this. I'd say it isn't personal, but you tried to "romance" me and kidnap my friends, so I'd say it's about as personal as it can get." And she slashed the blade across Narvi's throat, sending a spray of dark red blood across the floor. Narvi tried to speak but all that came out was a bloody gurgle before he collapsed on the ground and bled out, dying horrifically in his own blood. Skylar looked down of the dead boy and spat some of his blood out of her mouth and buttoned up her tunic. It was a fitting way to kill him she thought, after all he would have done that to Maximilian and Victor. Now, to deal with his brother.

Skylar called out jovially: "Vali! Your brother is done with me, I think it's your turn!"

Skylar ducked behind where the door would swing with Narvi's knife in hand and within seconds, Vali burst in, shirt practically off. Admittedly Vali wasn't scrawny, not a bad look, shame such a body had to belong to creep and a kidnapper. Vali looked around confused for a moment and saw his brother dead on the floor and screamed. When he whirled around Skylar burst out from her hiding spot and stabbed him in the stomach.

Vali gasped as the knife penetrated him, gripping on Skylar's shirt and the side of her stomach as hard as possible with his nails, fuelled by rage, humiliation, and pain, Skylar pulled the weapon out and plunged it in again and again and again, screaming "Creep!" Every stab. With every stab, more blood flowed out from the wound onto her hands and the more blood poured from his mouth. Finally when the hand on her side went completely slack did she stop stabbing him. She pushed Vali off her and he fell flat on his back onto a pool of his and his brother's blood.

Skylar changed into some spare furs they had on the chariot because she didn't fancy wearing a blood stained tunic and covering her friends in blood. Skylar also bandaged the wound on her side that Vali caused. She stepped back outside to see the two boys holding hands through their bonds. They stopped when they saw her come out of the vehicle, she laughed and said: "About damn time you two, now do you lovebirds want to hold hands or be freed?"

She could see both boys blush furiously as she used the knife to cut through the bonds and gags. The two boys embraced each other, Victor groaned as he felt Maximilian around him and said softly: "I was worried I'd never get this chance again."

When the boys were finished hugging and whispering sweet nothings to each other, (while Skylar was uncomfortably looking away) Maximilian turned to her: "What happened to those two jokers?" Skylar's expression darkened: "Dead." Victor hugged her: "They didn't dare lay their filthy hands on you!" Through wet eyes, Skylar shook her head: "Can we not talk about this?" Victor pulled off and resumed his composure: "Right. Let's stock up on their supplies first shall we?"

The boys had taken a large rucksack full of food and a change of clothes. Maximilian was not dressed in a cream fur coat and Victor a black one. Thankfully they didn't go into the prisoner's room because that would have been a painful conversation. By the time they were finished packing and changing, it would have been a little past midday. So the trio hitched up their boots and began walking to the palace of Hela once more.

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