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Victoria sauntered down the hall and found a room at the end with ornate gold designs on it. Under his breath Victoria muttered: "Oh, this is going to be too easy." And pushed the door open.

Inside was a spacious room, unlike the rest of the castle, it was very lived in, thick books were stuffed into a large mahogany bookshelf, a large desk was at the end of the room, the floor was polished stone, and on a large cushioned armchair made of what looked suspiciously like bone, sat Lord Surtur himself. He wasn't the behemoth Titan like being he/she had seen in Gullveig's vision. Surtur was a human sized man, slicked back black hair, fair skin if not slightly tanned, piercing red eyes and dressed in a business casual, looking not a day over thirty. Victoria could help but think: "This is the guy that's fated to destroy Asgard?" From his seat he spoke in a respectably baritone voice in a very proper tone: "You should have knocked, unless it's my morning tea, then I'll have-" he looked up from his papers and did a double take glancing up and down Victoria's figure. Before smiling invitingly: "Well miss, I'd ask what you're doing here but such a smoking hot lady like yourself is what I'd expect to see in Muspelheim. But please, do allow me to introduce myself, Surtur, son of-"

Victoria stepped closer to Surtur: "Oh I've heard. I'm Victoria of the Vanir. I've heard tales of the chaos king Surtur. But I must admit, I expected someone closer to the fire giant brutes I had to go through outside."

Surtur smirked mischievously, not unlike Loki or Gullveig, both of them borne of chaos: "Tell me darling, if I could tap runes from their source, would I want to look so unspeakably hideous?"

Victoria giggled: "I wouldn't want that."

Surtur smiled devilishly: "You know, if I had rune magic, using it next to someone who can tap into all of them at the source wouldn't be the wisest idea now would it? Victor?"

Victoria smiled back at Surtur indulgently: "Absolutely Lord-" Victoria froze as she processed what Surtur had just said. Without a second to spare, Surtur shoved Victoria and all the illusions were stripped away and Victor fell backwards into the floor of Surtur's study. Surtur grinned maliciously: "Oh Victor Lokison. I will enjoy rending the flesh from your bones. I heard how you fooled Gullveig with a simple bait and switch, I am not so easily tricked, I doubt even your father could trick me. But I commend you for trying, I will admit you made a fine figure of a woman, but without your rune you will always be a scared little boy deep down." Surtur stretched his hand out and a large claidhmor wreathed in fire materialised in his hands. Without bothering to get out a witty retort, he picked himself up and ran for the door as Surtur roared with laughter and crashed out of the door, and swung at Victor missing him by inches.

Victor sucked another swing, feeling the brutal heat on his neck. Victor tried to slip into invisibility with his runes but Surtur's runic dampening field was far too strong, and he couldn't summon another illusion, so clearly anything using magic was a no go, so he resorted to his other weapon, he pulled out his dowel and in his mind thought: "Bazooka" And suddenly in his hand was an RPG with a rocket loaded in, when Victor reached the stairs mere moments later, he leapt, spun around, and shot the projectile square into Surtur's chest, blasting the lord of Chaos back and collapsing the hallway. He could hear Surtur roar in his fury, almost too scared to move, Victor forced himself to sprint towards the throne room.

When he finally crashed through the doors he found himself standing point blank on Maximilian's sword and Skylar's arrow. Skylar put her bow down: "Oh it's you. I take it the "plan" didn't go well?"

Victor gasped for air: "What does it look like?"

Maximilian shrugged: "Thankfully your little gender bending trick failed, really messed me up."

Victor raised an inquisitive eyebrow but dropped it: "We need to hurry I managed to slow Surtur-"

Through the large black marble ceiling, something grotesque crashed through the ceiling, it was a 30 foot monster, it had scaly red skin, black dragon wings (not unlike the Chernabog), red furred lion legs, a flaming goat skull crown, the clawed hands grasped a 20 foot flaming claidhmor. Victor cursed under his breath: "He found us..."

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