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Victor watched Maximilian rush out the door, sword drawn. He fumbled through the chest to find a single simple brown tunic. Victor threw off his silk robes that Maximilian had fitted him in, and wriggled into the tunic. He fished a pair of boots from the bottom of the chest and slipped them on.

He ran out.

He was immediately hit by Maximilian being sent flying backwards.


Maximilian rolled off Victor: "So sorry!"

"No worries-" Victor looked up and saw a large 15 foot blue humanoid creature staring at them. Their eyes were yellow with red pupils. The skin was cold blue and it hefted a large frosted stone club. It let out a bone chilling roar as it charged towards them.

Maximilian fishes into his boot and pulled out a dagger: "Don't lose it." And Maximilian, the brave courageous perfect hero he was, charged the beast. Not knowing what to do, Victor stayed loyally behind him, gripping the dagger.

Victor has limited combat experience. Quite evidently. So he hugged the walled nervously and gripped the dagger. He watched Maximilian charge the giant, weaving madly between its legs. Victor, realised if he followed Maximilian in, he'd be pulverised.

Victor glanced around him trying to figure some way he could help out. He noticed a large ornate chandelier swinging above him. An idea sparked into mind.

"Maximilian bring the monster this way!" Victor shouted.

Maximilian looked back, his blonde hair flopped in front his eyes, which radiated faith. He turned back to the beast, and slashed in a wide arc with Gram. The frost giant howled in rage and barreled towards Maximilian. At the right moment, Victor slashed through the rope holding the chandelier and it crashed down on top of the monster, impaling him through the head.

Maximilian wiped the brow from his head: "You're quite the clever one, aren't you?"

Victor handed the dagger back: "Thanks."

Maximilian pushed the dagger back into Victor's hands: "You keep it. I'd feel better if you weren't unarmed."

Victor slipped it into his belt: "Where to next."

Maximilian gestured towards the Bifrost bridge. A wide rainbow expanse that was littered by vivid streaks of colors: "We're going to have to get you off Asgard. The Bifrost is our only option."

The two stepped over the giant's body when Victor noticed a mark on the giant's arm. A Kenaz rune. Wildfire.

Victor nudged Maximilian: "Look."

Maximilian cursed under his breath: "Come on. All the more reason to get you out of Asgard."

Maximilian opened the heavy wooden door to see another 3 frost giants charging at them.

Victor and Maximilian shoved the door shut and Maximilian dropped a stone column in front of it.

"Looks like we're not going that way." Maximilian smiled wryly.

"Lead the way, angel-boy." Victor smiled back.

Maximilian shoved the window open. And pulled a rope out of his belt. Because, Victor thought, of course he had rope there. What manner of hero didn't?

Maximilian cast the rope out of the window and tied it firmly to a metal peg on the wall. He tied the rope around both himself and Victor's waists. He looked out of the window and was faced with a sheer drop down a shining Asgardian tower. He looked Victor in the eyes: "You up for this?"

Victor's knuckles whitened with fear and hesitation on the rope but finding his voice he softly said: "Yep."

Maximilian was the first to shimmy out the window. He planted his feet firmly on the brass playing of the tower before hollering back up: "YOU'RE NEXT VICTOR!"

Victor slowly, gingerly, climbed out of the frosted window, one leg out and then the other. And planted his boots on the surface of the tower. He slowly backtracked down the tower, his palms slick with sweat. 

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