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Victor had to admit, despite being the Ice Queen, Skadi was a friendly host, her daughter Skylar has also friendly. Skylar had shown him around the house, since they didn't have spare rooms, Skylar offered to let Victor share her spacious room. When Skylar got to her room, she took off her large coat and greaves. She was the spitting image of her mother. She had the same sharp features, white hair, and strong taut limbs of a huntress. But unlike her mother, her eyes didn't have a cold stare, her eyes were soft and compassionate, almost as if she wasn't a hunter at heart.

"Stop staring at my eyes." Skylar's answer cut into his thoughts.

"Sorry." muttered Victor.

"I'm impressed. The strongest men melt at the harshness and vitriol of my mother."

"Thank you?"

"That was a compliment Trickster. Take it."

"Call me Victor."

"Well then. Victor. What do you think of your father?"

"Why do you ask?"

"My mother despises your father. Your father killed my grandfather Thiassi. To be frank with you, when my mother sent me to tail you and the Odinson, I thought she would've wanted your heads. So by all rights, I should hate you, but I don't."

"Well. I appreciate the honesty. Honestly, I used to revere my father when I knew of him through myths and legends, the silver tongued trickster. I suppose the myths weren't wrong. I just didn't know how hurtful the things he can say are, how manipulative he could be, and how much he disorientating it can be to be around him. I always thought that he'd be a walk in the park to deal with. Afterall, lies hold no power. But, talking to him is constantly confounding and confusing my senses. I can't tell reality apart, his lies overwrote my grasp on reality."

"I was a child when Loki was imprisoned. Of course, time works differently in Niflheim, Helheim, and Muspelheim, being so close to the roots of Yggdrasil. But when Loki flyted the gods, he called me and my mother so many things, but because his lies were so believable, there were moments when I believed them. Even now, they erode at my mind's end. This is why your father is so powerful, even though his knowledge of runes and his ability to tap into chaos makes him a sorcerer to compete with Odin, his ability to manipulate an individual's perception of reality is what makes him so dangerous."

Victor glanced at Skylar, her slender hands were quivering slightly"Are you afraid of Loki?" he asked.

"More than anyone else."

Victor peered into her eyes, her pupils contracted in heightened concentration: "Are you fearful of me?"

Skylar shook her her head.

Victor tried again: "Tell me. Trust me" letting his words drip with honey and charm. And like the three goons at the harbour, her eyes flashed white.

"Gods yes."

Victor looked at Skylar: "I'm so sorry."

"Victor! I didn't mean that! Please. I can explain."

"Do tell."

"My father was killed by a son of Loki. He was a gentle giant, but when he joined Loki, Fenris Wolf killed him as punishment as a warning to my mother when she would not bend her knee to allow his forces to pass through Niflheim."

"You're afraid I'll turn into a monster?"

"What gifts did your father give you?"

"Tame gifts. The kenaz rune, fire horns, and the power of persuasion"

"Those are no 'tame gifts' Victor. Those are Loki's greatest assets. Not his shapeshifting, or sorcery, or superhuman strength and speed. The horns of Loki is his calling card. The armies of chaos bow to that. The Kenaz rune is symbolic of his desire of freedom, wildfire, to burn wherever he desires. It is more than blunt pyrokinesis, it represents liberation and breaking chains. The power of persuasion is deadly in the right hands. It's how he influenced Hoder to shoot Balder, how he convinced the dwarves to forge Mjolnir and Gungnir. Loki alone is responsible for the coming of Ragnarok, and the fact that you're his heir. That truly terrifies me."

Victor sank into the small thinly cushioned chair: "I'm so sorry Skylar."

Skylar shook her head: "I did notice one thing. You care deeply about the Odinson, Why?"

Victor shrugged: "I haven't the slightest idea. I suppose, he's stood by me saved my life. He's kind, understanding, but most importantly, I suppose I felt a connection with him. He kept me safe, and I truly believe, I'd be lost mentally lost and broken had Maximilian not metaphorically taken my hand."

Skylar's pupils dilated: "You're better than your father."

Victor rolled his eyes: "I should really hope so."

Skylar smiled: "Really disappointing Loki."

Victor smirked: "Certainly endeavouring to."

A sudden rapping at the door caught the edges of Victor and Skylar's senses, from outside, Skadi said: "Sky, Victor, dinner's ready. I'll see you down stairs."

Skylar opened the door: "Let us move, trickster-boy."

Victor grinned and bounded after her.

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