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Maximilian forced onwards, setting the pace with Skylar next to him. Skylar has shed her fur coat and only wore white hide tights and a close fitting top of blue fabric that did nothing to hide her feminine figure. Maximilian has grown a respect for Skylar, he was endlessly thankful for her keeping Victor safe. Maximilian peered begins him, Victor was a good few meters back. He turned to Skylar: "I'm very envious of your skill with the bow."

Skylar placed her hand on the side of her hair: "Thanks. Your bravery is also one of a kind."

Maximilian examined the daughter of Skadi, her pale skin tinted red by the glowing sky. Her arms were thin but not sticklike, her fingers long and delicate, she reminded Maximilian of some minor goddesses on Asgard.

His examination of Skylar was cut short when they came across a series of roars punctuated with the hissing of fire. One large fire giant in similar size to the frost giants of Niflheim belched a large cloud of smoke and fire. The rest of the frost giants applauded him. Maximilian raised a hand behind him in a signal for the other two to stop. He felt Skylar and Victor stop next to him and Skylar draw her bow and Victor to gingerly grasp his knife. Maximilian couldn't help but feel very sorry for victor as the kid had practically no experience with armed combat. But his thoughts were interrupted by Victor's low whisper: "Okay. Here's my idea. I learned this on the yards of many institutions on Midgard. If we can incapacitate the largest enemy we can manipulate the herd to bend the knee to us."

Maximilian nodded in agreement, hardly surprised by Victor's quick thinking, he gestured at the fire belcher: "In my experience I concur that the large ugly one there would be the strongest."

Before he could finish the sentence he felt the air rush past him as he heard the whistle of an arrow tear through the air and impaled the skull of the large giant. And splitseconds later the giant flopped dead on the ground.

Maximilian looked at Skylar in shock: "Skylar! You can't just do that without warning!" Skylar furrowed her delicate brow: "But we were going to kill him anyways. Better now than never." The two of them were quickly silenced as they heard the thundering of the giant's footsteps.

Victor sighed behind them: "I suppose we're doing this the old fashioned way, kill them all."

Maximilian unsheathed Gram: "yes, I suppose we are."

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