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They had been trekking for the better part of two days now. Two days since she had spoken to Mani, and she had gotten to hear Maximilian recounts his harrowing ordeal through Niflheim, Muspelheim, and Helheim. She heard about how he first met Victor, how their fast friendship had blossomed from their hardship, hardship which seemed like a blissful daydream in comparison to the nightmare they seemed to be on the verge of. Sol heard the melancholy woven into his voice when he spoke of an old friend of his, Skylar. Maximilian wistfully, misty eyed, spoke of how Skylar sacrificed herself so he and Victor could laugh, live, and fight together.

She felt a strong compulsion in her heart. She had to see Skylar's work through. Even though she had never met her, she knew just how much it would mean to Maximilian, the first person she had ever developed a genuine friendship for.

When night fell, they slept within a large cave, surprisingly spacious and warm for a natural cave and completely devoid of snow or other greenery.

Maximilian surveyed the cave: "Interesting, it's so... sterile."

Sol sat on the floor since the walls were completely smooth: "Beats me, but let's sleep, we should reach the reach Victor tomorrow."

Maximilian reluctantly lay his head down to rest. And Sol seemed to feel the tension release from his face as Maximilian fell asleep. Sol sighed in relaxation as she felt the cool night wind run over her skin. It had been two days since she had used her wings, for Maximilian had not asked about them. Outside the cave, she felt the winged sensation as her wings appeared in a flush of white and gold tinged light. Her right wing still flickering periodically through the injury. She cursed: "Curse you wing."

Sol looked back on Maximilian: "I'm sorry I couldn't do more." Sol slowly eased onto her back and fell into a deep sleep.

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