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Sol and Maximilian landed in a large crevice, a deep cut valley on the side of a large mountain. Maximilian turned to Sol: "Where's Victor?"

Sol's eyes glowed gold as she looked around, and seemed to struggle slightly: "I can direct us to where he's been, but I can't pinpoint where he is, someone's interfering."

The air behind them shimmered as an illusion dispelled behind them. Gullveig Heid materialised behind them: "Hello Maximilian. I see you've found yourself a little songbird."

Sol's face turned slightly pink with outrage as she retorted: "I am no one's songbird."

Gullveig looked at Sol like she was trying to recognise her: "You're Sol, the sun goddess right?"

Sol's eyes were narrowed with fury: "Yes. I am the primordial goddess of the sun, and you are in my way." as she feebly glowed in the dim Jotunheim light.

Gullveig looked shocked before she burst into a wicked cackle: "You? I'm meant to be afraid of you? Not likely, lightbulb."

Gullveig flicked her wrist as lukewarm fiery tendrils wrapped around both of them, Gullveig hissed: "Now. I'll do it properly this time."

Maximilian felt the hot tendrils sear over his neck, as he turned to turn at Sol as she struggled similarly against the bonds. Maximilian felt his air supply begin to cut out as he choked out: "To Helheim with you Gullveig..."

Just before Gullveig could get a word out, Sol blasted her wings forwards and a large gust of desert like wind hit Gullveig. Gullveig was sent flying back as the tendrils dissolved back into wispy cinders that extinguished in the wind. Sol grabbed Maximilian and his convenient surprise her skin was only uncomfortably warm. Sol strained as they pulled into the air, away from the Goddess of Desire. Gullveig grunted in frustration as she let a single rope of fire lash out at Sol. Maximilian felt Sol cry out and buckle as one of the blasts hit her wings, causing it to seize backwards as Sol and Maximilian began to plummet. Sol yelled out: "Hold on Maximilian!"

Sol let flap her remaining wing as they soared, praying they didn't crash into anything as they blasted into the fiery sunset.

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