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Victor had just fallen asleep, Maximilian had to give him credit for how well he was taking his current situation. The boy had resilience, and thanks to him, they were both alive. He watched as Victor's chest heaved and deflated rhythmically. The air around Victor seemed to suck the warmth from around him, as if he was re-absorbing the ambient heat around him to compensate for the lost heat in his own body. Like a thermal vampire.

Maximilian resolved that Victor needed him as much as he needed Victor. And he felt that he owed quite a lot to Victor. He unclipped his half cape from his shoulders. And rested it on top of Victor softly. The faded red cloak snuggly wrapped around Victor. Maximilian smiled: "Sleep well Lightbringer."

Maximilian moved over to the cave mouth, and with a powerful kick to the side of the cave wall, he felled several large boulders from the side of the wall, he pushed them to wall off the cave. Exhausted after the whirlwind day, he felt the fatigue finally sink in. His eyes and limbs felt heavy. Maximilian slowly sank into his fatigue and before he knew it, he was blissfully asleep.

InevitabilityМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя