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Upon hearing those words, he felt dread, expecting it to go so horribly wrong, but when nothing happened, it was as if dawn broke. The deathly chill no longer bothered him, why should it, his sunlight was right here. Victor waited with bated breath and anticipation for what would come next.

Maximilian's has a felt warm on his, slightly trembling, Maximilian said the words:

"I love you."

And like that. His world turned for the better.

Victor pondered those words, it's funny, nothing he had said in his eloquence would ever compare to what Maximilian had said in three simple words.

In the fury of his heartbeat, Victor poured out his answer to the misty eyed boy in front of him:

"Muspelheim is red,

Niflheim is blue.

How lucky I am,

To be falling for you."

Victor pulled Maximilian in, his ghostly fire horns had ignited and they were hot pink blazes, and Victor embraced Maximilian as they shared a wondrous kiss. It was short and sweet, but both boys could feel the tenderness of their lips on the other's.

When they broke off, Victor looked into Maximilian's eyes: "Let me be the night to your day. Let me be the wind to blow your sails. Let me be chaos to your order."

Maximilian was on the verge of tears: "My only regret is that I didn't tell you sooner."

Victor brushed Maximilian's cheek softly, wiping the little droplets of moisture that had escaped his eye: "You have nothing to be sorry for. Just stay with me, that would be enough."

The boys just sat on the cliff side, wishing that the moment could last forever.

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