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How did the sword not work on the boy? It worked on the Allfather, why not this boy? Was it his 'magic'? Nonetheless, soon his father would unravel his cankered tongue. He gripped onto the other boy's shirt and landed in the throne room of Odin. Odin whipped his head around to see Maximilian grip another boy by the shirt. He dumped the other boy at Odin's feet. Maximilian announced: "I have returned Father. I bring you the source of the magic." Odin stepped closer. The cowering boy looked at Odin: "Is this... Asgard...?" Odin looked the boy in the eye: "You are a learned one aren't you?" The boy's eyes widened: "So... you're... ODIN?!" Odin smiles coldly: "That's right. But this is not why you are here. You have a magical signature on you. We need to separate it from your body before we can send you back to Midgard." Odin gripped the boy's arm. The boy winced in discomfort. Odin pulled his palm back slowly, drawing out a streak of red lightning that permanently connected to Odin's hand. But suddenly, the red lighting recoiled in all directions blasting everything in range. The boy looked horrified, as the lighting flared red and and receded back into his arm. Causing two unmistakable red fire horns to flare on his forehead for a split second to form. Maximilian looked cautiously at his father who's expression was grave and severe. Odin stared at the captive: "The power within the boy is unstable. Have him stay in Asgard until we can separate it. See to that he has proper accommodations." Maximilian bowed before his father. But the boy spoke up: "When I first discovered this 'magic' I had fiery horns. Is this the power of Loki?"

Odin's eyes went cloudy with a mix of resignation and anger: "I suppose it would be clear. I'm afraid you are quite correct. This is the power of Loki. Although how you were able to contain such power is unknown. Compounding the issue, the power seems attached to you. Unfortunately this means I cannot allow you to return to Midgard." The boy nodded his head understandingly. Odin looked the boy in the eyes and reached out and rested his calloused hand on the boy's smooth arm. And intoned into the boy's ear: "Rest..."

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