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When daybreak came, the golden light pierced through the clouds and the clouds were a lighter shade of grey, Maximilian climbed out of bed to find Sol already up her wings slowly regenerating. The day seemed to be awash with a tinge more color today than yesterday, Maximilian slipped his shirt on as well as light leather armor (chest, forearms, and greaves) that he had found on the end of his bed. He looked at his new friend: "Sleep well?"

Sol shrugged: "Better than you, now let's freshen up and see what Utgard-Loki has in store for us today."

Maximilian extended his hand and his sword and sheath flew into his hand to which he fastened it to his belt. And the blonde hero grimaced: "Let's go do this."

After a quick freshening up, Maximilian walked into the hall from whence they came to see that Utgard Loki had made it look like an interior stadium complete with stands and bleachers for spectator giants to gaze upon the mayhem-to-be. Utgard-Loki sat in a high throne overlooking the area: "Welcome Maximilian Odinson. Today, we will see how much of a hero you are. A hero must be able to hit his mark and as a hero, prove it."

Maximilian let his sword fly into his hand as Sol flew to the stadium sides. Utgard-Loki continued: "The beast you will try to best today..." And Utgard-Loki waved his hand: "... a hare."

Before Maximilian a small white hare the color of snow shimmered into existence. Maximilian glared at Utgard-Loki: "Is this your idea of a joke?"

Utgard-Loki shrugged: "If it's so easy, do it."

Maximilian steadied his sword and lunged at the hare, but it was gone in a blink, and the hare reappeared behind Maximilian. Blindsided by the split second transition, Maximilian turned around and slashed at the hare, which narrowly ducked out of the way, without a second thought, threw his sword with deadly accuracy behind him. Like a bolt of lightning, his sword arced towards the hare, and nearly took it's head off but yet it darted out of the way.

The charade continued for several long, frustrating minutes later, Maximilian was grunting in anger as the giants jeered and mocked the Odinson. Finally, Maximilian flung his sword in an arc, and the boomeranging blade tagged the side of the hare causing it to flinch and leave a sparse trail of blood.

Maximilian roared in anger. Who was he if he could even kill some besotted hare? And he pointed at Utgard-Loki: "You won't let us go, we didn't ask to be here, if you want a fight, fight me yourself!"

Maximilian threw his sword like a javelin at Utgard-Loki.

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