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The three of them were deposited into a dark forest. The sky was overcast with dark green clouds, the trees were black and dead, the ground was a litter of dark soil and wood chips. A ghostly breeze whispered through the trees, the soft winds were piercingly chilling, blowing onto the trio as if they were naked. Maximilian glanced down, his skin looked sallow and lifeless in the Helheim light. He glanced at his sleeping friends, Skylar's white hair looked spirit-like, her unnaturally pale skin made her look spectral. Victor's eyes looked sunken and his skin looked almost emaciated. He shook both of them awake. Victor and Skylar woke with a start. Maximilian was the first to speak: "Victor, you look... dead."

"Morning to you too Prince Charming." Said Victor.

Skylar scanned the forests, climbing on one of the dead trees, she stared around in marvel: "Wow. This is Helheim?"

Victor spoke to her in a businesslike tone: "Do you see the palace of Hela?"

Skylar pointed to the west: "Its not far. It's probably the closest it's ever been. This should be easy. Maybe you can show me around Midgard when we arrive Victor."

Victor laughed: "I can't wait for it Skylar."

Skylar hopped down: "Then what are we waiting for?" And with a spring in her step she started down the path towards the fortress of Hela.

Maximilian and Victor followed suit. Honestly, Helheim was a walk in the park compared to what Niflheim and Muspelheim had been like. There no errant giants, no dragons, no extreme temperatures. For Odin's sake, the three of them were actually safe for once. He would even finally get to be with victor on Midgard. Even though they were in Helheim, Maximilian had a fire of hope that burned in his chest. How lucky they were to have survived thus far.

While they were hiking Victor told them about his dream with Loki, the knowledge that he wanted to have Victor fight by him for Ragnarok, but something stuck out to Maximilian about that story: "I don't get it, Loki's always wanted to stay alive, even while causing chaos. This doesn't fit for him."

Victor agreed: "Something about this doesn't sit right by me. Loki knows something we don't, he's confident he will win. And the fact that Loki might still have an ace up his sleeve scares me."

Skylar responses from a few feet ahead: "Don't worry Victor. We will figure it out. You will figure it out because you can always do it and also, the realms depend on it."

Some time later, the three of them had hiked to a precipice, Skylar stood on the very edge, she peered down: "I'll scout it out, should be safe, stay here, set up camp for the night. We should arrive at Hela's castle tomorrow and we'll need all our strength to get past her."

Victor and Maximilian nodded, Maximilian reflexively said: "Stay safe." Skylar laughed "You don't need to tell me Odinson. I'll be back in maybe an hour at most, cook the last of the meats from Muspelheim. I think the stream back there is safe, freshen up, whatever you need to do, we all smell filthy."

With that Skylar disappeared from view.

Maximilian turned to Victor: "Victor, something's on your mind. I know it."

Victor was staring at the cliff with apprehension, almost dread. His lip trembled as he whispered: "This is where it happened."

Maximilian put his hand on Victor's shoulder: "What happened?"

Victor's eyes were frantic: "This is where my vision took place."

Maximilian held Victor's trembling hands: "And in the same dream you thought Skylar would die by Surtur's fire. Relax Victor it's not prophesy it will be okay."

Victor blinked twice, Maximilian continued: "Gullveig hijacked the device you trust the most, your head."

Victor shook his head: "You're wrong."

Maximilian blinked twice: "What do you mean?"

Victor looked square into Maximilian's eyes: "I don't trust my head the most, I trust you the most."

Maximilian felt his heart go 'boom'. He felt Victor's hands under his, he looked at Victor and what his eyes saw was not an emaciated boy that looked like death, he saw him for who he truly was, his cheeks rosy with life, his eyes blazing with mischief and fire, his hands warm with the fire in his soul. Maximilian felt his heart thump furiously in his chest, Victor's dream had been right about one thing, if he never said it he may never live to say it if the "perfect" time came. So he knew just what to say next. Maximilian steeled his nerves: "I need to tell you something Victor."

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