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Victor had slipped him onto the back of the horse and the searing pain in his leg had largely subsided, but he still felt a pressing agony of the burnt flesh stings. He felt Victor tenderly wrap his arms around him to keep him steady The sudden wind whipped around his face as Sleipnir galloped back to Midgard.

By the time he was sat down on the chair in Victor's living room, the pain had largely faded into a spectre of what it was. When Victor came back in, he patted Maximilian on the shoulder: "Hold on, the Doctor is in the house."

Victor proceeded to pull hind off the chair to the shower, Maximilian gripping Victor's wrist. He sat Maximilian on the rim of the bath, he turned the shower on and warned him: "Max, this might sting." Slowly, Victor ran the frigid water over Maximilian's burn, he felt the water tingle and slowly burn into his charred skin. He moaned in pain, gripping Victor's wrist as the pain intensified. Victor clenched his jaw as Maximilian inadvertently crushed his wrist. After several minutes, Victor turned the tap off, as most of the burned skin and grime was washed off. Victor rummaged in a cabinet before pulling out a small container full of small white tablet before extracting a few and placed them in Maximilian's hand. Victor turned his back on Maximilian and tried to find something. Without a thought, Maximilian swallowed all of the tablets. When Victor turned around he muttered: "Now just wait for me to get you some water- wait where are the pills?"

Maximilian stared at Victor blankly: "I ate them."

Victor smacked his own forehead: "You're supposed to have water with them you lovable idiot."

Maximilian blinked twice: "Why?"

Victor responded exasperatedly "It's so it goes down smoother, but whatever, since that's done, I need to get you some aloe vera to apply to your darned burn."

Maximilian sat there and stared off into space: "You know Victor, when all of this is over, I want you to live with me in Asgard, so many Aesir there, I'm sure you'll get along fine."

Victor chuckled as he put some aloe vera onto his palm: "I'm sure I could. What's left here for me anyways? Now be still." Victor said as he spread the aloe vera on a spatula.

Victor slowly applied the aloe vera over Maximilian's burn wound, the moment the cold paste went over the charred area, he felt the brutal sting sear his every nerve. He hissed in discomfort. Victor's warm palm held his leg firmly: "I'm sorry Maximilian, just a little bit more."

When the last of the paste was spread, Victor dressed the wound, and he helped Maximilian up, the darker haired boy said: "Get some rest, and then you can try to heal your wound when you wake up."

Maximilian nodded: "Yes sir..."

Victor winked at him which made his Maximilian's heart flutter: "Off you pop then."

Maximilian went to Gullveig's old room, since he didn't want to come off as intrusive by sleeping in Victor's bed. As he tucked himself in the soft sheets, he could hear the front door close.

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