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The fire giants crashed onto them like a wave of ashes and cinders. Skylar ripped 5 arrows out her quiver and let them fly, killing just that many giants. Maximilian back up against him, slashing his sword in a wide arc, destroying several giants. Victor, meanwhile felt helpless as he ducked and weaved under several black fiery blades. Victor was suddenly knocked aside by another large giant. He gut punched Victor into a large pile of charcoal and blacked stones. Victor coughed and groaned in discomfort, as the giant charged him, Victor desperately stabbed upwards and was just able to catch the giant between his ribs. In the rush of adrenaline, Victor stabbed the giant a few more times.

However, there was the pins of something bubbling inside of the giant and suddenly a torrent of molten lava rushed out of the dying giant and onto Victor.

Victor shrieked I'm surprise and horror.

But nothing happened, for the lava rolled off him only burning the tunic but his skin was still unharmed. Victor gasped in shock as he felt the lava just roll off him, a sensation like a thick gel coming off. However victor's knife was not so lucky, the blade had completely melted inside the now deceased giant. The handle was little more than charred leather fibres over a twisted metal hilt. Victor dropped the knife in disappointment, stood up and picked the Giant's blue off the floor. The moment he held it, it morphed into the old knife. Curious, Victor wondered why it was a club before. On the thought of a club, the knife morphed into a club again, so heavy that Victor nearly dropped it. Victor decided to stretch and thought "sword" and upon thinking about it, the metal morphed into a perfectly balanced meter long sword. Victor felt the weight, it was just right. Without further ado, he charged back into the fight, with a thought morphing weapon. What could go wrong? He thought.

When he came across the crest where he was knocked off again, he saw Maximilian and Skylar fending off their own giants. Maximilian and Skylar had them on the retreat. Victor ran down and in his mind thought "Lance" and within a few seconds there was a lance of black metal in his hands.

Victor ploughed through the heathen of fire giants sending them flying. He stopped when we arrived in front of his comrades: "Sorry about your knife Skylar, I found a better weapon." Maximilian blinked twice as Victor morphed his lance back into a sword and stabbed the last fire giant. Maximilian found his voice: "That's a very interesting weapon... how did you get it?"

Victor shrugged: "Took it off a giant. Judging by its capabilities it's quite rare?"

Maximilian nodded: "Tyr, my battle brother used one. It's a Dagaz blade. It warps to the user's fancy. Typically it's is a device to channel the rune Dagaz exclusively through the metal of the ever changing weapon. A fitting weapon for a child of Loki."

Victor pictured a simple half foot long dowel in his mind and felt the sword change into a more easily storable rod in his pocket: "Let's go shall we. Palace to raid, should be enjoyable."

Several more arduous hours into their hike to the palace of Surtur, the sky had gone a dark crimson and the three of them parked under a black rocky overpass to camp for the night. Maximilian and Skylar has both drifted into sleep when Victor was still toying with dying embers cooking the food they had taken from the fire giants. A week ago he had been at school, the cool know it all at the back of the room, in the span of that week, he had travelled and learned more than he could have ever imagined. What fear may have filled him the first time he looked inside this void inside him, it was now full of wonder and intrigue. He stared up at the sulfur choked sky, hardly a beauty, but he was amazed by the world's he had encountered on this journey. While he was lost in his thoughts above them on the overpass he heard the roar of a bonfire.

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