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Following the cryptic exchange between himself and Skylar, he followed her down the stone steps to the dining hall. It was a large stone hall, (naturally it had to be stone) and a plain stone long table. Skadi's bright white hair matched her white tunic that she now wore. She wore a simple belt, inlaid with gold and silver studs. On the able were several plates of delicacies. Victor realised just how hungry he was, now faced with a line of brisket, mashed potatoes, and scones, he sat himself down quickly at the table and began to dig into the ample food. Skylar sat next to Victor, also famished from tailing Victor in the cold, she dug into her food. Skadi watched the two young warriors dig in. Skadi waited for Victor to finish his portion before she asked: "So Victor, you were raised on Midgard. What stories of the nine realms are there?"

Victor put down his ivory fork: "So many stories Lady Skadi. For instance, Lord Odin is a wise and benevolent king. My father Loki is clever, sly, if not charming, trickster, if not depicted as somewhat charming. Not that I agree. Thor is said to be the noble unwavering protector of the nine realms."

Skadi snorted with laughter: "Benevolent king... Odin is far from that. Thor, the faithful protector of the Nine Realms? That's not too far off. Loki, I'll admit, I only stayed with the Aesir and avoided declaring war on Asgard because Loki convinced me otherwise. As much as I resent him, he is elegant and eloquent beyond any deity. He is as articulate with his words as he is dangerous. When you face him Victor, and you will, beware the voice of the trickster."

"I will bear that in mind Lady Skadi."

"Good man. You may make a great hero yet."

The rest of the meal was warm, cozy, and amiable. Victor shared many laughs with Skadi and Skylar. Skadi was a charming woman, sharing her exploits, her harrowing treks to the icy fortress of King Hrym to harass the giants.

Later on that meal, Skadi had gone out of the room, presumably, thought Victor, to clean the dishes and patrol for frost giants. He was left alone in the dining hall with Skylar. He glanced over: "Something's on your mind."

"Perceptive of you."

"I pride myself on that. Anyhow, I know what I said was impulsive and your fears are none of my business and I really shouldn't have probed."

"It's fine Victor. I told you."

"Very well. I noticed something, your bow, the paint is still fresh. Yet i noticed it's already fading from the snow outside. The arrows in your quiver, uniform. Your knife grip is still pristine, it should be water-stained, which means you don't use it much. Balance of probability, you don't use those weapons much. And no offence, granted your stature, and the stature of most giants here, I'd hazard a guess that you couldn't take one on unarmed. Furthermore, you didn't follow your mother out. You're not a huntress at heart."

"Very well noted..."

"Then what do you want to be?"

"Take a guess"

"I'm attentive, not a miracle worker."

Skylar rolled her eyes : "I love the moon. Day is fine, the snow may glisten like a field of diamonds, but when the sky darkens and night falls like a silky blanket over the snowy plains and forests, that's when Niflheim is truly breathtaking. In the soft moonlight, the stars shine like luminescent crystals in the dark heavens. I sit on a frosted tree and watch the stars twinkle slowly above me. And for once, I can be alone with my thoughts. And when I'm finally alone, I feel the cold comforting arms of night wrap around me, and there I feel truly at home. I'm a dreamer, I see the constellations and lose myself in my thoughts. Actually, follow me Victor."

Skylar got up, and began to walk towards the stairs to her room. Victor followed suit, and when they finally got up, Skylar lead Victor to her room. Knelt on her bed, and placed her hand on the wall behind the headboard. The Isa rune glowed, glowing frost spread over the wall, more specifically, into the indents and carved lines in the rock wall, making them glow a light blue in the icy light. The frost stricken lines weaves up the walls, covering the cold stone walls with frosted webs of woven ice. The illuminated ice filled the niches and mini-canyons in the wall. Tiny divots frosted over and created star-like patterns in the dark rock and obsidian wall. The outlines slowly glistened over with ice and the angular outlines of mountains and the tips of trees appeared in an intricate mesh of lines Victor drew a wondrous breath as he saw the skyscape of Niflheim unfold in all of Skylar's icy glory.

Victor's grey eyes widened in wonder, his pupils dilated: "You're an artist."

Skylar looked at him, kneeling on her bed: "Was that declarative, or was that a compliment."

Victor smirked: "Whatever pleases you."

Skylar smiled: "Every time I am under the Niflheim sky, alone, I feel complete. I love to hunt, not for the thrill, but because I get to stare into the inky void and see the stars stare back at me. It fills me with wonder, always has and always will."

Victor laughed: "And here I thought you were a cold stone assassin huntress."

Skylar smiled back: "Hardly. Appearances are deceiving Victor. When I look at your facade, I see a scared boy, a frightened youth out of his element. But when I look into your eyes, I see the fire of the trickster God, the blazing spirit of Wildfire. I see intellect, cunning, and determination."

Victor blinked: "I normally don't crack like this, for the last days I've been scared straight and I don't know how to handle it."

Skylar places her hand on Victor's shoulder: "You're not alone. All my years I've been so alone with no one but my art and my mother to keep me company. For once I'm fond of friendly company."

Suddenly an explosion rocked the room. Skylar looked at Victor: "Put the armor I left on the floor on." Skylar slipped her light armor on, and she drew her bow. She kicked down the door. Victor slipped the armor on which fit him very closely, and followed her out.

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