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Skylar dashed out of the room and saw her mother whipping around the room, her twin huntress knives flashing and slashing at the legs of the frost giants. Skylar nocked 2 arrows and let them fly at the giants, disintegrating them as her silvery arrows streaked into them. She gracefully leapt onto one and slit his throat. The icy blue blood splattering across the tiles of the floor. One giant turned around and threw his spear at Skylar. Victor watched in awe as Skylar ducked under it and threw her knife with a swan's grace into the heart of the giant.

Skylar vaulted up to the chandelier with a gymnast's finesse and swung herself feet first at the giant embedding the knives deep into the giant's chest.

Skylar frowned: "Those were my favorite knives. Come on Victor, We need get out of here now."

Victor looked at her: "Skylar, this is your home, for all you know your mother is in danger. I'm grateful for all you've done for me-"

Skylar interjected: "My mother will be fine, she's a goddess, and as for my home, it'll survive. I rather protect you and help you get your friend back."

Victor nodded blankly: "And I'll be ever grateful"

Skylar grabbed Victor's hand and ran towards the large door that lead out of the cavernous home, until another frost giant crashed through it. The large blue giant had two hammers and the cavern mouth frosted back up with a thick wall of ice. The giant roared and slammed both hammers on the floor.

Victor cursed under his breath: "Oh for crying out loud..."

Skylar grabbed Victor and the two of them ducked behind the overturned table as a shower of icicles crashed into the waxed wood table.

Skylar looked at Victor: "Okay, how many fights have you been in?"

Victor: "Do we count street fights? Or just full scale brawls with inter-dimensional giants and warriors?"

Skylar rolled her eyes: "Do you have any weapons?"

Victor shook his head: "My Swiss army knife is on Asgard."

Skylar slipped a hand into her combat boots and pulled out a small knife, and she handed it to Victor: "We'll get you a proper weapon later, this seems like your kind of weapon."

Victor gripped the weapon: "Thanks. Where's the exit?"

Skylar pulled an arrow out of her quiver and notched it into her bow: "Okay, here's the plan, there should be a few barrels of mead in the cellar, grab them, I can light them up. I'll grab the giant's attention for a while, when I tell you to go, you go." Skylar pulled a band out of her pocket and quickly tied her icy hair back in a bun and dived out behind the frost covered table, shooting arrows is rapid succession. The frost giant was not as sluggish as the other giants and wasted no time creating a shield of ice that trapped all the arrows. The giant's arm suddenly frosted over in the shape of an icy club. He brought it down on Skylar, who just managed to dodge the hammer arm. Skylar glanced back and saw Victor knife in hand waiting for her signal, and she flicked her wrist, as if telling him to move. With little hesitation, Victor dashed out from behind the table behind the giant.

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