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Maximilian watched Victor slowly shimmy down the tower. Considering his circumstances, Victor was extremely adaptable. Victor's solution for the frost giant was ingenious and brutal, that mischievous glint in his eyes had not been a farce. Maximilian knew a warrior when he saw one, Victor was a killer. He just didn't know.

Maximilian finally reached the bottom. The Asgardian gardens were smothered with frost. The normally ornate gardens that were usually wreathed with a vast multitude of flowers, were caked with snow. He shot a look behind his back. He saw Victor softly lower himself onto the ground. Victor's wild black hair now slicked back with sweat. Not a bad look Maximilian thought.

Maximilian beckoned Victor forward: "Let's get to the Bifrost!"

The two of them started running towards the Bifrost, until a large horde of frost giants blocked their path. Maximilian stopped Victor with his arm, and held out his sword in front of him: "Go. I'll hold them off."

Maximilian readied his blade and prepared to fight. He charged at the horde. But suddenly, a loud crash came down from the heavens.


Then came the thunder.

It was Thor.

The entire horde was fried by the godly blast of lightning. When the light cleared, a figure stood amongst the corpses. He was a large muscular man, a thick metal breastplate clung to his chest tightly, it was decorated with battle scars and burn marks. His neck length hair was a thick dirty blonde/brown. He was a brown stubble that clung to his rough jawline. His electric blue eyes sparked with energy. His bulging arms hefted a large hammer, Mjolnir. It was a large, ornate metal block on the end of an equally ornate stubby handle. Mjolnir glowed in Thor's hand as it spit sparks like a snake spits venom. Thor turned to look at the two boys: "Brother."

Maximilian bowed his head in acknowledgement: "Brother."

Thor kicked a giant corpse: "Damnable Jotuns are everywhere."

Maximilian rolled his eyes: "I noticed."

Thor gestured at Victor: "Who's the prince of darkness?"

"Victor, my brother Thor. Thor, this is Victor." Maximilian said

Victor interjected: "Pleased to meet you, Victor, son of-"

"A tough as nails warrior. He was quite fearless when escaping the North tower. You should have seen him brother." Maximilian interrupted.

Thor laughed: "Well, brother, I believe the Allfather had a mission for you. Go find Heimdall. He will be waiting to send you and your friend off Asgard."

Thor blasted off, Mjolnir in hand as he disappeared into the snowy sky.

Victor looked at Maximilian confusedly: "Why didn't you tell Thor?"

Maximilian responded: "He's Thor."

Victor shrugged: "I don't get it."

Maximilian sighed: "If there's one thing you should know about my brother, he's very hard to change. He's like a bull, full of power, unwavering, but loyal to a fault. If he ever found out about your parentage, he may not be a kind as I am."

Victor gulped: "Thanks."

"Don't mention it."

Victor and Maximilian soldier on through the thick icy air. 

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