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When he woke his first thought was of Victor. To be frank, Victor always has dominated most of his waking hours. Maximilian spun around as he realised that he opening had vanished overnight, as he felt the bunched material that was once the opening, he realised that the cave he believed was hewn of stone, was in fact constructed of leather, dried cow skin surrounded them. He felt dread sink like a hot knife through butter into his mind. He raced over to Sol who was curled into a fetal position and shook her awake, his voice gushing with urgency: "Sol! Sol! Wake up!"

Sol's eyelids flitted open slowly, as her groggy voice asked: "Max? What is it?"

Maximilian spoke, voice shaking now: "I think we're trapped in a sack."

Sol's eyes sharpened with sudden intensity: "Max, grab my arm."

Maximilian seized Sol's forearm moments before the sack started to shake violently like it was being lifted up. Sol screeched in panic and yelled at Maximilian: "Your sword Maximilian! Your sword!"

Amongst the chaos of Sol and himself being flung disconcertingly through the negative space of the bag, he extended his hands as he tried to summon his sword. When he felt a familiar tingling on the tips of his fingers, he willed it towards himself. However when he looked up for a split second he saw the glowing golden silhouette speeding towards them, Maximilian yelled out: "Sol? Sol! This might have been a bad idea!"

Sol glanced behind them as she half flew and half tumbled gracelessly through the air she cursed as she realised that the sword may well kill them. Her right wing as also smoking black as Maximilian realised that the effort taking for her to keep them from slamming headfirst into a wall was taking a toll on her damaged wing. Maximilian felt Sol's forearm slowly heat up as she was losing control of her mental abilities to keep her solar core in check. Maximilian felt his sword gaining on them as Sol swerved and dived through the free space. Maximilian could see the point of the sword gain on them as Sol's wing started to flap slower and Sol's eyes were welling with tears from the effort and the pain.

Just as the tip of the blade looked as if it were going to catch them, the bag stopped abruptly as the bag seemed to have been set down by whoever was carrying it. On the stopping of the bag's momentum, Sol and Maximilian flew forward, straight onto the leathery walls. The sword impaled itself slightly above them where they had been as they started to slide down. Without hesitation, Maximilian grabbed the handle as Sol now cling to his leg. Moments later, the compounded weight of Maximilian and Sol caused Gram to slice straight down as the leathery confines of the sack was cut away to reveal their surroundings.

When Maximilian and Sol hit the ground after splitting the bag, they tumbled into a wide expanse of brass and wood, before them stood the largest giant he had ever seen, the giant roared: "What do you think you're doing in my castle?"

They weren't out of the woods yet.

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