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Victor stepped out of the house, locked the door, before he focused lightly on his finger as black flames licked it. Victor tried to Will the flames to change colour, yet the flames remained obstinately black. Victor violently wrung his hands, and still the flames did not change. Victor grunted under his breath before howling and turning into a small black dragon and launching into the icy skies.

In the skies the skies bit at his wings with the frosty winds. Victor snorted a small black fireball from his maw, melting the frost off his leathery batlike wings. With a mighty flap, Victor soared into the far distance down the Thames cloaked by the wide expanse of snow clouds. Victor felt the spirit of liberty overtake him as he felt emancipation from the ground. Not only did he feel free from the pull of the earth, but also his tether to his physical problems severed. In the midst of the creamy white clouds his mind could wander wherever it wanted, to the farthest reaches of the world, to the highest peaks of mountains. Victor felt the wind tickle his reptilian snout as he dived bombed through a wispy white cluster of nebulous fluffy clouds. Victor barrel rolled as he pulled back up. The thrill of the air currents passing through his wings was spectacular, like an arrow whizzing through the sky.

"This could go forever." He thought

The feeling of freedom of flying towards the light was intoxicating. Not bound to any grand destiny of Ragnarok or Asgard, just himself surrounded by possibility in every direction. Nothing was inevitable, everything could change. He thought about wildfire, constantly changing, never set on a path. If anyone could change the inevitable, who better than the son of wildfire? These thoughts rattled through his mind like manic pinballs.

After a few hours of soaring through the clouds, feeling the invapid air currents start to cool rapidly as the night approached. He descended from the skies back on the front door of his front door as he morphed back into a human.

He fished the keys out of his pocket as he unlocked the door. He shouted into the dark house: "Maximilian?"

From his mother's room he heard a small groan. Victor walked into the cool, dark room: "Slept well?"

He placed his hand on Maixmilian's warm body, feeling his boyfriend under his palm, he felt a small shake, a nod. He felt the golden haired boy stir under him as Maximilian shed the blankets grungily, blinking the sleep and fatigue out of his eyes: "Morning Victor..."

Victor affectionately ran his fingers through Maximilian's hair: "Morning Sunshine!"

Maximilian groaned: "Hold my hand..." and Victor places his hand on Maximilian's own hand.

Victor looked into Maximilian's electric blue eyes: "I believe in you."

He saw Maximilian concentrate as his hand grew steadily warmer and temperate as the Uruz rune glowed on the back of Maximilian's hand. He heard Maximilian draw a quick hitched breath as there was a soft golden glow from under the bandages. When the glow finally died down victor whispered softly into Maximilian's ear: "Do you feel any better?"

Maximilian nodded: "It worked... I can't believe it..."

Victor raises an eyebrow: "Why not?"

Maximilian shrugged: "I didn't believe it would."

Victor dropped the subject as Maximilian continued: "So what was it about teaching you to fight?"

Victor's eyes widened: "Please teach me!" He positively squealed in excitement.

Maximilian slid out of bed and picked Gram up: "Let's practice somewhere else."

Victor thought for a while: "I might know a place."

InevitabilityWhere stories live. Discover now