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The first time Skylar laid eyes on Victor she hated him. His angelic face was scarily similar to that of Loki's. However, she had orders, to follow, not to act. Her hand itched to grab her dagger and impale the boys there and then and be done with it. She activated the Isa rune on her arm and blended into snow, her snowy form glided behind the boys like a panther stalking its prey. She noticed that the boys were practically blue with cold. She noticed how the boys huddled together like their lives depended on it. The larger blond (who, she assumed, was the Odinson her mother warned her about) draped his cloak on the smaller dark haired boy. It was affectionate, but not necessarily intimate. After a while of tailing the boys stumble through the freezing ice and snow, she saw the boys drop at the base of a cave. Skylar turned back into her natural form, her coat and hood were spattered with snow. She perched on the top of a faraway tree, standing silently above the cave. She could have left, but her interest was peaked by the boys, specifically the son of Loki. He seemed so warm, and it confounded her, but she remembered that Loki was the god of deception, like his father, the boy could've been putting up a farce. She drew her bow, the silvery string glinted in the dim light. She would understand them. Kill them if need be.

When day break came, Skylar was still on the tree, looking, almost hawklike, at the cave. That's when she heard the rumble of chariots in the distance, she tapped the Isa rune and vanished into snow, she saw a large entourage of giants enter the cave. The next few minutes was filled with the dying screams of the giants, suddenly it stopped. Intrigued, Skylar vanished into the nearest patch of snow.

She went into the cave

When she entered the cave, her battlefield instincts kicked into overdrive, she saw the blonde Odinson trapped in the grasp of the frosty palm of King Hrym, she also saw the darker haired boy on the floor of the cave, his face petrified with fear.

Recklessly perhaps, she grabbed his forearm and pulled him into the snow from which she appeared. In a whirlwind of white and soft suction noise later, she and the boy landed on the snow in the woods about thirty meters away from the cave.

She finally got a good look at the boy, and when they finally spoke to each other, two polar opposite emotions ran rampant in her mind. Burning, searing hot resentment for the son of Loki. The way his wide eyed shock and innocence hid a layer of wit and razor sharp intelligence, and as they stared, a certain worry presumably for the Odinson. As a huntress, her mind was geared towards rapid fire analysis and the examination of her prey's every move. But when she peered into Victor's dark eyes, she saw nothing, or at least, she couldn't read him. She had only known Loki to be immune to even her mother's readings.

However, the more she talked to him, trying to glean his every want and desire, (unsuccessfully) she noticed he did want something, as everyone does. She just didn't know what. But to his credit, he was very charming, if not slightly a tad more sarcastic than she'd like.

Confused by her encounter, she decided to take victor to her mother. Perhaps he would reveal to her mother what he would not divulge to her.

The ride to her mother's residence was awkward to say the least. She had to focus on steering her horse Isa-Draugr, while Victor clung to her waist. Her horse dashed through the woods like a white streak of lightning. Her mind matching the horse's pace, racing at thousands of miles on hour. Expecting Victor to plunge a dagger into her back, for one could never be too sure with trickster-spawns.

When she presented Victor in front of her mother, she silently dissected the scene. Her mother towered over the kneeling boy. She could feel the back and forth exchange, her mother bombarding Victor with questions like arrows, and Victor standing stuart under the pressure and firing back his own contempt. It was truly mesmerising.

After the verbal fireworks, her mother invited Victor into their home to stay before they could go and rescue the Odinson. Bewildered and entranced by Victor, she led him up to her room where he would have to stay. No doubt, he was charming, the way he coaxed and spited her mother yet remaining favorable to her. The way he went from defensive on second, to courteous the next. Victor could not be closer to Loki if he tried. And that truly terrified her.

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