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He left Victor in the room. He walked into Victor's house, he had spent yesterday cleaning the house (also coming across a box full of Midgardian money in Gullveig/Sigyn's room), but today he decided he'd give Victor's books a read. He locked the door to the house and went upstairs to his room. Victor's bookshelf was very messy, but one book stood out amongst them to Maximilian: 'Paradise Lost'. Maximilian opened it, and he read the first page, and then the next, and the next and the next, too hopped up on enthralment with the story of how the archangel Lucifer became the incarnation of evil.

When he had finally finished the book, he looked out the window and through the snow the dim winter sun had come up. Maximilian's imagination was burning with the vivid imagery from the book. A powerful child with an oppressive father now cast aside, Lucifer struck him as scarily similar to Loki. And Maximilian feared that if Victor gave into his darker side as he had days prior, he'd be dead or another Loki. Was Victor predestined to fall as Loki had. To be clear, Lucifer was an archangel once, Loki had served by Odin's side, yet unalienable to falling. Victor was volatile, the day before yesterday proved that. The Victor he knew wouldn't have been so brutal and changed. Could Victor fall further because of his loss and pain? The rampage could only be the tip of the iceberg, what other pain and worries his under Victor's jovial nature? Hidden from him, or even to himself?

He was pulled from his thoughts by a smooth yet commanding voice: "Brother." It boomed. Maximilian stared around: "Who speaks?" The voice was a low baritone and filled the room like a viscous liquid: "Maximilian, it is I, Heimdall. I have seen you. Ragnarok is upon us. While Asgard is besieged, you cannot return, none of the gods can leave. Your father is relying on you to pacify the realms and he will send help that will arrive shortly." Maximilian nodded and spoke: "What about Victor? I can not leave him." Heimdall seemed to pause for a moment: "That one's future is cloaked in chaos and shadow. Entropy and ambiguity runs in his blood as it does with the blood of Loki. His future is unclear. Keep a watchful eye on him, I fear the worst could come to pass."

With that the voice of Heimdall died down. Maximilian was left in silence. In his head he asked himself, why was he not as bothered as Victor by her sacrifice. In his mind it was easy. She did her duty, she chose to do it. As a born and bred warrior, he understood sacrifice. He feared in his heart that Victor did not understand that, and it might lead him further darker.

Maximilian cut those thoughts out of his head. He promised Victor that he'd be with him this morning. So he made his way to the hospital in the bitter cold.

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