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Victor really detested sleep now. Every waking moment plagued with worry, every slumbering moment plagued with Loki. He turned around saw Loki. Loki didn't speak instead there was another more familiar voice, a voice dripping with malice like blood from a knife.

"You must be quite proud of your son Loki." Said the voice

"That I am. No meagre feat outwitting even you." Replied Loki, chuckling in his bonds.

"Don't bring it up Loki." Responded the voice

Victor turned around. He saw Gullveig stand behind him cloaked in shadow but still visible, just barely, she cracked an evil smile: "Hello Victor, your father has invited my consciousness into his domain, and in you came."

Victor looked at Loki: "You know this monster father?"

Gullveig laughed: "Let's not to be crude. Loki and I are kindred spirits, we will sail Ngalfar to the battlefield of Ragnarok. He is Wildfire and I am Burning Desire. I am here to liberate him and how very fortunate you walked in."

Victor laughed humorlessly: "Haven't we established that I'd never do it."

Gullveig's astral projection crept up behind Victor: "I can show you what I can make happen if you don't do it." Suddenly images flooded Victor's mind. He saw Asgard and Earth burning, a large fire giant with a goat like skull crown destroy the hall of Odin with a fiery sword. He saw the Thames freeze and London Bridge blown away by a blizzard summoned by King Hrym. The images flash cut to another image, he saw Skylar push both himself and Maximilian away before being engulfed by an inferno from the same fire from the fire giant with the goat crown, her face contorted in pain, screaming, her white hair burned black. Then finally, he saw Maximilian on the edge of a cliff, holding both his hands, he saw Maximilian say: "I need to tell you something Victor-" before something sharp and black impaled Maximilian through the chest, coughing up blood, he stared back at Victor's eyes one last time as he felt Maximilian's hands slack on his and Maximilian was pulled over the cliff side.

Victor work up screaming. 


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