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She felt a certain warmth, a calm surrender, a tranquility in her heart. She felt happy that Maximilian finally found his rune but she couldn't help but feel a sort of emptiness at how both her friends can found their runes yet she had lost her's. Suddenly the door swung open and the rune dissipated on Maximilian's hand and a draugr (zombie) in leather robes poked his head in: "Hela requests your presence and would rather not send Garmr and enforcers to make you come." And the draugr left.

Maximilian stood up first: "Come on. Let's face her together."

The trio followed the draugr to Hela's throne room. It was a decently sized room. The size of the room was similar to that of their bedroom, with an open hole in the center that could allow a small giant to fall through into the endless abyss beneath. In front of them were twin thrones. A blackened burned throne sat on the left, on the right, a replica throne sat, but covered in gold and silver. Hela sat on the left, and on the right sat Balder. Skylar couldn't help but notice the uncanny similarities between the two. Hela stood, she bore down on the trio, and ominously she spoke: "My father has spoken. For the final jump, only immortals can pass, mortals need to sacrifice to the throne. Feel free to try, the throne would work until one of you has sacrificed themselves for the others. My father's only command, which he has relayed to me, is that my brother is not allowed to sacrifice himself."

With that, Garmr seized Victor and stopped him from trying to sacrifice himself. Skylar was surprised at Hela's directness with the task. Death never lied or equivocate, all one of them had to do was plunge into the abyss for the others. The undead warriors seized Maximilian and Skylar and pushed them so that their heels were on the brink of the rim.

Hela looked at Victor severely: "Now choose. Who will you sacrifice."

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