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The other boy woke up with a start. Shame. Maximilian had been enjoying watching over him for some time. Something about this boy captivated him. The way he looked so young and angelic but, even in sleep, seemed to have the nervous energy of a warrior. The way his arms were long and lanky, splayed out across the bed, but they had a certain power behind them. He was like a dormant soldier, someone who Maximilian believed would make a formidable foe, but never had the chance to be, someone who would make a most wondrous ally.

The other boy groaned and sat right up. He was no longer wearing the worn and torn leathers he had arrived in. Maximilian had him changed into some comfortable red Asgardian silk robes. The boy stared and sighed: "I suppose I might as well ask. What's your name?"

"My name's Maximilian."

"Nice to meet you. I'm Victor"

"Sorry about the kidnapping."

He could see the veins popping in Victor's head as he retorted: "You slammed me against a roof, and chased me across London, and you think a 'sorry' will do?"

"Orders of my father."

"I'll bet."

"I have a task to protect you now. My father can be ruthless, but I'm not my father."

"Did he tell you to protect me?"

"I did."


"So, how did you do it?"

"Do what?"

"Harness the power of Loki?"

"I really don't know. One moment I had a Kenaz rune in my hand, the next, I had fire horns."

"You're the telling the truth."

"Why wouldn't I be?"

"You're his child aren't you?"

"Who's child?"

"Don't evade my question Victor. This explains why Garm did not affect you, trickster. Your supernatural ability to lie counteracted the truth power of my sword. So am I correct? Are you the heir of Loki? Yes or no?"

Without hesitation, Victor responded: "Yes. I am the son of Loki."

"Why didn't you tell the Allfather?"

"I just learned."

"When? You've been asleep.... oh..."

"What is it?"

"You had a dream didn't you?"

"What makes you think that?"

"In your sleep, you were muttering under your breath. I thought you but simply a mild sleeptalker, but I was wrong."

"You were watching me sleep?"

"Helheim... perhaps?" Maximilian cursed

Victor eyed him pointedly

"It was for security purposes I swear!"

Maximilian's cheeks flushed red with embarrassment. Victor narrowed his eyes: "MAXIMILIAN!"

"So you did have a dream. What happened?" Maximilian interjected hurriedly changing the subject.

"I saw Loki. He told me he sent me that medallion that bonded to me. But he told me that it helped me 'realise my potential'"

Maximilian felt a sudden realisation creep over him: "OF COURSE! The medallion never gave you powers, you innately had them. You never knew how to use them. No wonder the Allfather couldn't separate it from you. It's a part of you!"

"Unless my power is the ability to be a moonlight and a smooth talker, I'm not pleased."

"You're a feisty demigod aren't you?"

"And you're a pompous one."

"By the way, did you change me yourself?" Victor eyes Maximilian suspiciously

Maximilian wisely pretended not to hear as he inspected his shirt buttons.

Maximilian and Victor could have bonded for hours, but the door crashed down. A single asgardian soldier, in full golden armour burst in and shouted: "Maximilian! Frost giants are at our gates. The Allfather commands you get the boy off Asgard!" And with that, the soldier rushed off again. Distant thunder, no doubt Thor's, sounded in the distance.

Maximilian pulled Victor off the bed and told him firmly: "Get dressed. The tunic is in the chest next to the best."

And with that Maximilian drew Garm from it's sheath and rushed out the door to join in glorious battle.

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