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He did it. He could feel Maximilian's arms cradle him as the icy blade froze and dug into his organs, he felt his blood leak out of his torso. He looked at Maximilian's face as the color slowly lose their luster in his cheeks as his vision began to blur and darken. The last thing that Victor saw before his vision went pitch black were Maximilian's electric blue eyes.

Then his vision swam back into focus.

He was back in a very familiar cave. A jovial voice rang out through the dim light: "Victor. Welcome back to my humble abode. It is unfortunate that the circumstances that bring you here must be as unpleasant."

Victor slowly stood up, the pain in his abdomen had vanished and so had the wound. He turned around to see his father bound in the slimy gut ropes to the floor, next to him was his mother in her white robes standing silent at his father's side. His father's scarred lips contorted into a grin: "You're still responsive, good. I can't have you die on me just yet, son." Victor found his voice: "Why have you brought me back here?" Loki laughed: "I didn't expect that oaf Hrym to kill you, but here we are." Victor looked his father dead in the eyes: "Small shame, but death comes for us all, does it not?" Victor asked, his tone edged with spite.

Loki's eyes darkened: "You are my son, and I can heal you, but because I did it, you will take on more of my power. But there are ways you must know, I didn't mean for you to be flung into this mess, I wanted you safe with me, not wandering around the Nine Realms. Now listen to me Victor, the Bifrost is deactivated, Asgard is under siege, take your friends to Midgard and you will be safe. There is a passage I used to use to navigate the Nine Realms. Portals that link from Niflheim to Muspellheim to Helheim, and you will re emerge back in Midgard. The palaces of each realm is built on the portal, the thrones themselves. Use them, return to Midgard, and when you wake, don't forget I saved your life Victor, you will owe me a debt."

Victor stared at his parents, Loki's eyes blazing with wildfire. He looked to his mother, Sigyn looked down as she refused to meet her son's eyes.

Loki silkily asked: "Do we have a deal?"

Victor cast his mind back, he remembered how Hrym hurt Maximilian, and could hurt him and Skylar again: "I believe we do."

Loki flicked his wrist and a burst of red fire hit the spot where Victor's wound was. He felt a growing warmth spread through his flesh as the tears and punctures were being magically knitted together. Victor felt his vision darken again and his legs give out.

Suddenly he felt the cold steel floor under his back, his eyes flew open as he quickly drew breath. His hand darted to his abdomen, the ice and wound was gone. He sat up, surprised that the pain had fully faded away. He felt a new sense of power flow through him as his hands ignited with a red fire and two horns of crimson flame protruded from his forehead. He felt a rage that he had never felt before and he channeled it into his hands and without warning he felt twin beams of red fire shoot out of his palms and saw them collide with Hrym's chest. A ring of red fire emerged out of him, he heard his father's voice whisper in his ear: "Yes, listen to the dark side in you, listen to me. Channel your emotions, that's the key to rune magic, the base desires drive rune magic. Listen to your heart's desires, that unlocks rune magic. Listen to your mind, that directs the magic. Listen to your actions, that projects the magic. All three elements, they make one the master of their power." The voice of Loki in his head was soothing yet commanding. Victor closed his eyes and let the spirit of wildfire overcome him as he flicked his wrist and a small tornado of fire blazed around Hrym. Maximilian looked backwards at Victor as he saw Victor's eyes crackled with red energy, two blazing ethereal red horns , hands ignited in a small blaze. Skylar likewise looked at him with reverence and panic. Hrym roared indignantly and hurtled his axe at Victor. Before Victor could think to dodge or protect himself, he heard his father's voice: "brace yourself Victor." And the flames crashed together in a protective shield around Victor and intercept the axe mid flight.

The axe didn't stay there for very long as within seconds of contact, the fiery wall and axe exploded, sending Victor flying within inches of the throne. 

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