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He awoke in a bed on Midgard, when he cracked his eyes open, he could smell Victor's hair, that was because Victor was nestled in his arms. Slowly the dark haired boy also started to wake. He rubbed the sleep out of his eyes: "Maximilian, we're back in my house... what happened?"

Maximilian looked down, both of them were in their underwear and normal T-shirts lay on the table in Victor's room. Maximilian sat up and slid a white shirt on and put on some light blue jeans. While Victor rolled around on the bed for a while.

Maximilian opened the curtains which were caked with dust, coughing a bit when they were opened. Outside, the river was frozen and the sky was snowing, despite it being the middle of Midgardian summer.

Maximilian walked over to Victor, deciding to leave his lover while he slept. Maximilian looked around the lower floor, it was exactly as he remembered it the first time he crashed through the door barely a month ago. Miraculously, the house was repaired after Maximilian smashed a hole through it. "Ah the midgardian kitchen." Thought Maximilian. He knew how to operate a basic one, his mother Frigga had collected one from Midgard out of curiosity. Maximilian fiddled with the knobs and after a few twists and turns, a blue flame sprang up, Maximilian watched the flame dance erratically in front of him. Maximilian smiled as he relished the mundane task of cooking Victor a meal when he woke. He reached for a pot and filled it with water and put it on the stove to boil. Maximilian heard a creaking behind him as he whirled around to see Victor standing behind him in a dark red shirt sleeved button down and black jeans. Victor's eyes were still puffy, no doubt still wet with tears. Maximilian smiled mildly at the other boy: "Good morning Victor." Victor nodded: "Morning Maximilian, come, let me help me you with breakfast." And Victor stood next to Maximilian as he reached for the egg and frozen sausages.

Maximilian and Victor's breakfast was subdued, an air of dread and sadness hung in the air like fog. Frost had formed on the windows as the temperature dropped below freezing. After the lukewarm and poignant breakfast, Victor raised his glass of water, hand trembling slightly: "To Skylar." Maximilian raised his own glass, his hand firm on the glass: "To Skylar." The clear crystalling sound of their glasses ringing through the cold room.

Victor stared out of the window: "What's with the snow?"

Maximilian racked his mind, there was only one conclusion: "Fimbulvintr, three years of winter will ravage Midgard in preparation for Ragnarok. Discord will erupt to throw the realms into chaos. My father's forces will need us now more than ever."

Victor stood, he grabbed two jackets, a brown and a black, he put one on, threw the other to Maximilian: "Let's go."

Maximilian sighed as he pulled the brown leather jacket and found Gram on the counter next to the door. He pulled the sheath and slipped the belt on and rushed out the door behind Victor.

The temperature drop outside knocked the wind out of Maximilian. There were people screaming in the streets as frost giants climbed out of the frozen river, which he understood was called the Thames. Victor was silently smouldering at them. Without waiting for Maximilian, he pulled out his sword at a group of giants, even though Victor had never been an astounding at armed combat, he channeled his anger like Maximilian had never seen before. Victor's huge clumsy slashes were amateurish at best, but he split a giant's club neatly in two with a single stroke, Victor sent another black fireball at the chest of another giant, burning through it slowly and painfully. Two black fire horns glowed on his head, Victor looked like a mad demon, slashing and burning through the ranks of the giants. Maximilian charged into battle, leaping in, barely keeping up with Victor's rage fuelled rampage. Since his powers were fuelled by his anger and sadness, Victor could have given Thor or Heimdall a run for their money there and then. Maximilian cut down the stragglers that survived hurricane Victor when there was a pained grunt from his black haired lover. One of the giants had smacked him in the stomach with their club. Victor slid backwards his left hand clutched the frost covered impact mark, the other hand stabbed his blade into the ground and he slowly stopped. He had a look of fury in his eyes as he recognised the giant: "Thrym... you're dead now." Thrym laughed a low laugh: "I killed Skadi, I just need to kill your frosty friend. Where is she?"

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