Part - 42

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While Soha was going to left the room she got an another call. She saw the number and get the hell annoyed... "Why are you calling me again?" asked Soha getting irritated..

"Ma'am I am not doing this if Manik sir would got to know about this my job would be in trouble.." said the hotel staff...

"Aree I have made you understand  right now that nothing would go wrong.. Manik would not able to pinpoint you as he would be in shock himself that what he had done. He would blame everything on himself so no one would point out ever that all this was planned ... Planned by me..." said Soha with a devil smile...

"Ma'am if something would go wrong than I would take your name" said the hotel staff being scared...

"Okay fine... Now don't disturb me and let me do the work as I have thought and you do the work that I have told you to do.. Remember no mistakes... Lock the door in few minutes and after that open the lock in morning only... Then call that girl and do as I have discussed earlier with you.." said Soha instructing once again to him...

She cut the call and murmured "Silly person, wasted my time"...  Then she smirked and said "Manik would be waiting for me, I have to go"... Before she could leave the room she thought "This mobile is disturbing me a lot.. I don't want any disturbance when I am with my Manik.. Its better to keep it here only..." She kept her mobile on the bed and left her room....

Soha reached Manik's room and saw the door was opened. "It seems today everything is trying to bring us close Manik" thought Soha smirking and entered the room... She bolted the door with a wide smirk....

On the other side Nandani was shocked to see the person who was showing her his 32 teeth with a wide grin... "Manik what are you doing here?' asked Nandani being confused..

"Can I come inside Nandu?" asked Manik with the innocent smile that was plastered on his face... Nandini was confused seeing Manik behaving weird.. She give him space and let him come inside...

Manik got excited seeing this and he at once entered the room... "Manik ko kya hua, why he is behaving like this... Something is wrong I can sense this" thought Nandani analyzing his moves...

Manik saw Nandani standing on the door looking at him.. "Close the door Nandu vrna someone else would also come" said Manik getting scared...

"Who would come?" asked Nandani confusingly as she closed the door...

"Sshh" said Manik keeping fingers on his lips in this process Nandani too had put fingers on her lips looking at Manik what he was going to say...

"Manik yo" was saying Nandini... But Manik again shushed her by keeping a finger on his lips and saying "Sshh Nandu don't talk"

Nandani was not getting why he was behaving like this what had gotten into him? She marched towards Manik. "Manik what are you doing here?" asked Nandani gritting her teeth...

Manik hold his head and said "voo my head "... Nandani got alarmed seeing this and said "kya hua Manik? Is it paining?"...

Manik nodded to her and she at once hold his hand and said "Let me see Manik"... Manik removed his hands and looked towards Nandani while Nandani focused on her forehead for any wound that he may have got while that rolling over incident...

But seeing no wounds, she said to Manik "Sit here" pointing towards her bed... While she take out balm from the drawer... Nandani sit close to Manik to apply balm on his forehead.. But seems like Manik had some other plans as soon as Nandani sit on the bed, Manik before any warning put his head on her lap...

 But seems like Manik had some other plans as soon as Nandani sit on the bed, Manik before any warning put his head on her lap

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