Morning of photo day.

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It's been a few weeks since Gramps has given me the mission and I am no where close to working out who they are. It seems that either they don't go to school or whoever they are can just hide it really well.
(I flipping hate this. At least I'm not thrown into this world and had to work out how I needed to get out of this world..... that would probably be easier then working out who the hell the superhero's are.)
"(Y/n) are you ok?"
I turned to look at where the voice came from to see Adrien standing there.
"Oh yeah I'm fine. Working out the next big story. What about you? How's the photoshoots been? You have been doing more recently."
"My father has a new design that's meant to release in a week so he has been scheduling more for me to do."
"That sucks. If need be we can cancel plans of you having dinner with us."
"No no no. I will not cancel, I would love to have company while I ate dinner."
While we were talking the others came up and joined in.
"Hey (y/n). I wanted to know if you would like to join me and Marinette with sleeping over Saturday night?"
"Uh sure I would love to." I said
"Ok good cause Mari thought you would say no."
"I didn't think that Alya."
"She did."
(Well there goes hanging out with Adrien as Chat. But I know he will understand since he does need to rest and with the photoshoots he wouldn't have a lot of time. Besides I need to cross these guys off the list if they could be Red or Foxy. Probably should only focus on Red since I haven't met Shell or Foxy.)
"Hello. Earth to (y/n)?" Nino said bringing me back out of my thoughts.
"Oh yes. Sorry lost in thought."
"You've been doing that a lot for like the past month." Alya said.
"She is working on the newest story of hers." Adrien said
"Yeah. Don't know where I'm gonna start with it." I said hoping they didn't see through it.
"That's cool." Marinette said smiling.
"Let's hurry up and get to class. We do have school photos today." Nino said
(This won't end so well. I can feel Chloé will try and do something. I'm so glad she isn't a hero anymore.)
We all headed to class and I was ready for some snarky comment.

Girl with a hidden secret. Adrien/Chat Noir x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now