A to Z

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I'm working towards the pinnacle of (A)++. I don't want to see runner up (B). So many times I (CD)s haters...I mean I'm just working for thay paper. My tank is never on (E) that's why in most of my races I keep shifting gears to bring up my Aces so you find it hard to grade it (F). I'm tired of the NOs I get but thank God for the support I get, I love you (G).

The internet super highway connects across the middle of two brain stems like the letter (H). Theres no need to worry bout how much is left cause what (I) have up here still has a lot of space. People be like...I'll pump your gut full of lead if you don't pay with Mr. (Js) golden A.(K) cause damn the chaos out here makes most people call in the Mayday. Have you ever had that feel like with each piece you bring you still have the (LMN)t pretty much from H²(O) whoa look at him go.

Too many (Ps) and (Qs)... most of which I don't have the answers to. I'm worn out n I need my (RST) I'm going to sleep with shades cause I know some might wake me up with their (UV). I'm some glad there's just one of you instead of W but I still cant take it (X)cuse me (Y) are you still here when I've already let out my pleas. I promise I'll attend to you after a few (Zs)

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