How does it feel to be GUILTY?

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"Mr Millun, I understand it's your first time ever to be a defendant in a court case. Well this is interesting cause you've had a clean rap sheet for close to 20 years and just when you're about to hit 20 it goes down the drain. Why is that?"

To be honest I didn't quite have the right words to respond to his opening statement... cause my mind was already in deep with the thoughts of my basement. Mr perfect ain't perfect no more is he. Look where your disappointment has brought you...back to me. Those dark thought you locked up...voices you shut up constantly told yourself you wouldn't do it but look at you now with blood on your hand. I mean evidence is clear you've been caught red handed.

No I could never do such a thing. Haha you're really funny but it's no joke now. I mean its plan clear in black n white...dont bother striking back cause it's clear you'll lose the fight....Even though my mind wad in this state.... one thing the judge said brought me back to this place... the same for walls with the supreme leader in front to pass judgement over my court

Mr Millun....welcome back to earth... so how does it feel to be guilty? Got tired of living a good life and decide to have a taste of the other side. I remember when you came here for visitation but looks like it will be you on the other side. I'm assuming it started with those lies but you see you weren't lying to them you lied to yourself. These are the type of books you should never read Mr just leave them on the shelf.

Your actions really hurt somebody...and clearly you have no valid excuse. You see this is a common problem most people have...if you wanna have fun go games or have a beer. When you mess with'll never know the true damage until the deed is done. Now that the person is hurt it's no longer fun. Same thing as murder you can't reverse it once you pull the trigger of the gun. It's some sick twisted nasty concoction....your happiness should never be at the expense of someone's emotion...

At this point I'm still silent but now I couldn't hear him over the mental violence and the loud banging in my chest. I mean I played myself and lost the monarch like a game of chess. My first felony and it was a darn good one at it's best. You know the one for the books. They type where even your own family gives you those kind of looks. Life continues as it is but I wont be the same cause of the life I took.

What next huh? Say sorry? You must be joking. Have you ever seen a shot gun wound healed with some mere band aid. You clearly knew what you were doing but you couldn't stop...even thieves just steal one or two things but what kind of lone wolf decides to raid a whole shop. You got guts man...this just goes to show crime doesn't pay. You thought you could murder someone and get away with it....hurt someone and stay sane with it or how bout leave someone hanging n hope that they can live with it. It doesn't work bro. But now you get to be in a box....nothing but four walls like the basement you put me in. It tasted good didn't it? DIDN'T IT!?!

Mr all my years of passing judgement... silence is not just silence...its an answer and since you don't want to comply...I'll give powers to the plaintiff to find out how you plea....

GUILTY!!!! Was all that shot out and those same words hit just as hard as that blow I was "i hope you go through the same shit i went through...I hope you go to a place where there will never be sun for you. "

And with that being said.... Mr Millun I hear by sentence you.....

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