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Are you afraid of me? Afraid of them? Afraid of us? Is it cause were black that you cant trust? You have no idea of the pain and fear it brings to live a life looking over your shoulder. It feels like even if I speak my mind the next cop is gonna have to take his gun out his holster. What happened to all to me nicely...dont escalate the situation only use force if need be but since we black then there's an exception? This obsession over oppression against part of a human race with a denser pigmentation will be one of the very reason the whole world blows up into oblivion! It's all a game of deception. Speaking of games why is it chess pieces are usually black against white. Maybe the chess thing was too much. I better tame my mouth before I'm taken to a black site.

Jae what are you doing? It's not your doesn't affect're African. Well I'm African second and a human first. This racial thing is too much. How can you ill treat me over my skin colour like I made a wrong choice over my shirt. Someone robbed the bank and I can bet you the first person you thought was a black man. You can have a white man commit third degree murder and resist arrest and yet you carry him gracefully. Let a black man do that and he'll have to be tackled straddled...given a left right pound before he is taken down town. If this was a circus the black people would be clowns. Funny thing is that this has never ended since the dawn of slavery...just like things over time it only evolved. I can't have your knee on my neck. That thing is not like an arm or a can easily break. Look at you squatting there and looking majestic like you saved the world. How does it feel to finally scratch that itch. Thank God for the media and the near by mass...taking those videos was thinking fast. It clearly exposes these dark cops that are no different from an ass.

What did we ever do to you? Showed us nothing but hate. Became gangster...dealers and shit. Well you pushed us to this fate. They more you assume stuff on people the more they become it. So its best to say Ya'll have to deal with the monsters you created. Brought this thing of higher education...better knowledge as well as religion but you used it to your advantage by eluding our decisions. Now that goes deep but how would you like it if we manipulated the market so that you find it hard to sleep. How many of us have you taken n how many more will you take without a peep. Man now education for black kids will have to involve training exercises of getting down on your knees n put your hands behind your head. How to not reach for your pockets if a cop stops you just so you can't get a bullet in your head. Nuff said we need justice. Saved from these dark schemes and awful practice. Broken systems and a democracy that is upheld by unacceptable tactics. You have had your knee on my neck for too long. Time to throw you off so I can breathe.

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