Dark Matter Drive

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I think in sick...to always be falling in deep. You strapped me in cut the break lines and said have a safe trip? I'm over the edge trying to hold on but I'm losing my grip. As soon as this mouth starts talking...they start walking. Like I wasn't there when all you had to offer was only skin deep.

You see Dark matter is what I have inside. The fuel that constantly burns to keep me alive...that untamed uncut drive to all my work. People ask me why do you have dark matter from your toes to your neck? Doesn't that hurt? Well it has its annoying moments I'll admit but momma told me even if you got shit make the most of it.

They say clinging to negativity has bad impact. My body is still intact but my minds sticks so bad I think I'll need a tictac. It's a lil funny but you try and concentrate when your nose is bloody. I cry little to nothing cause I lost my tear buddy. I know I'm like a dark cloud to ruin your happy day and you wouldn't even so much as to look my way but let me tell you I sharpened it so good you wouldn't believe how I even keep it at bay.

People have different fuels that drive them. Some had money...others relied on their family but I'm found in that percentage of people that got hit hard (literally) and just focused on the dark matter to come back and hit smarter. I do stutter and sometimes my hands feel like butter to hold on to some treasures but this sad faced clown can still fill you with laughter.

Go ahead and ask some people what drove them to be where they are now. Bad vibes or white lies...ridicule or bullying...maybe even dream killing. This all sounds familiar and matches with certain people's criteria. How many suffered humiliation for other people to have they're own self righteous satisfaction. Tried to take action but I was outgunned outmatched and outnumbered. That wasnt even fair cause it superceded even the natural standard.

It put me in a cold dark place with 4 walls that stood tall and every meal had a full helping of dark matter that they served. I needed help but people couldn't stand the smell. So forgive me if I fail to Express myself cause I wear a hard shell. Now that life gave me dark matter, time to switch gears and put it in hyperdrive and do what I do best.

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