Beautiful Soul

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They say the eyes are the gateway to a beautiful soul. A place where I found warmth when outside was so cold. I've never had words but your eyes would utter words never fore told.

Undoubtedly beautiful.... Her fountain of love... Undeniably abundant. This is a combo hard to find and so particularly transcendent. Seeing her is physically present but mentally absent.

I seriously want to tell you you're beautiful but that's way too much of an understatement. Can you bring back my love cause I lost it in a box somewhere in the dark corners of my basement. If admiring you was a crime then I'm already signing my 5th police statement.

This ain't bout me its bout her. When ever she walked in there'd always be a stir. Saw in a bar once... I didn't take any drink but once I saw her everything else was a blur.

She's 100% Dorian Gray.... Always mysterious but what an even better reason for you to stay. Just her smile keeps your demons at bay. Moments with her made me feel like gold so I guess I'm replacing my heart of clay. Cup of joy in the morning??? Am sorry she's my cup of joy everyday.

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