She wants to know

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She wanted me to comment about her and I said....please give me time to say something on this cause my vocabulary needs an update for this version of beauty....she replied with....I'm sleeping with a smile tonight and then it dawned on me....the reason why the moon constantly keeps trying to revision itself to keep up with her twilight smile by trying to steal energy and light from the sun....little did the moon know the energy it gets from the sun...the sun gets its spark from her dazzling eyes

She wants to know if I was lucky to have her....never was and never will....sweetie I'm not lucky....I'm blessed......Gives me the feeling of banging on my chest(gorilla) ....feeling of protection like I wear a vest(killer) .....home sweet home like a bird in its nest. Shes starting to get me thinking of her the same time the sun heads from east to west. Gives me a plethora of bliss like a good day at it's best

She want to know how much shes worth....she's pretty much my heaven on earth. Girl chill cant you see I'm still trying to catch my breathe....but alls well that ends well. She makes my heart swell it might break its mind was on it's way till it got a derail. Of course her beauty wont fail...why do you think I pay attention to detail. Her beauty is priceless so you guessed right....not for sell. Shes always indoors so you can consider her a pearl inside an oyster shell. To me shes an amazing female far better than a two for one special at a retail.


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