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I honestly wouldn't have been here without you. I don't know if I can consider it a blessing that I have you but all I know is you had me. Raised me in my own version of the pride lands knowing so well I'd become my own king. Everytime I needed you... you were there. You still came for me when I walked the outlands and got a couple beatings for it which I still think weren't fair. No amounts of thank yous can be enough cause you've shown me so much. He said be different and make sure you bless all you touch. I'm grateful for you and the family you held together. Two boys and loving parents....would I have it any better? The answer is no. You showed me that I'll be forever different so I should just be the master of my own show. You taught me to pick myself up even after a hard blow. Wise words from my old man.

I can't change the fact you're the Mufasa to my Simba. The reason I say this is because just like a lion he defends his territory and his family. If he falls...he's back up again. He also taught me to mind your business and focus on your plate. Walk it off if people throw too much hate because that's the way life is... always trying to cripple you and murder your faith. He says he never rests till he sees me make it. If life gives you an opportunity then take it. I'll also admit to some he may not be the best dad in the world but he is to me and I am my father's son. On this one... I'll keep it short and sweet cause I'm still learning how you shape a king out of a prince.

I'm pretty sure every boy at one point has been like when I grow up I want be like him....I wanna be King. To see what it's like to be the one to pull those strings but I've learnt that it's not the important part. What's important is the love that he brings and silly songs he sings. To me that's a beautiful thing. If ever I underappreciated you then that's on me but everyday I thank God that you are one of the gifts he gave me. He just doesn't love his kids, he too loves his queen and the stuff he does behind the scenes, I can bet you it's a beautiful thing. Some say he's heartless,  cruel or mean just like the school dean because of some stuff they supposedly have seen. Nah he's kind good hearted and funny so according to your assumptions...nah he's clean. Anyway that's just my dad, we've laughed and probably cried but it's most likely the best moments we've had.

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