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I loved my girl very much...I could tell it was her from one single touch. When lifes engines had me red lining she was the reason I'd take time to pause so I guess you can say she was my clutch and made me shift to different gears but you see life taken her away.

So I walked inside a bar to scramble my senses and reminisce on fun moments like when we took my brothers car. If that were GTA we'd already have a star. Things were fine and dandy until this girl walked in and approached me. Now I'm asking myself who is she,where is she from and why does she look familiar?

I could have sworn she was my girl cause She walked like her eventually talked her definitely dressed like her but I knew there was something wrong bout her. You see little miss mistaken IDENTITY got all things right on my girls check list but lost it on energy frequency.

She was on FM69 just so she could suck me dry cause I was under the influence of an all time high. Now you can imagine I was on cloud 9 cause of the fine wine sitting in front of this very convincing fine dime playing her malicious role just fine but even though I was drunk I still snuffed out her dark lie.

So I staggered to me feet and drenched her with my drink and with all my might I blurted out, "I'm not falling for your shit." I wasnt down for her euphoric bliss while playing a trick so she could get a treat...Goodbye miss. Definitely she was a hit but in this case I just had to miss. At that moment I just had one wish to have had more time with my lil wicked witch.

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