Bad Mouth

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I'd like to kick this off with I'm sorry. I'm genuinely sorry....I'm sorry to the pretty lady in shades at the far. I'm sorry to the lovely lady right here with her friend. My dude in the middle with the blue suit...I'm sorry too. As a matter of fact I'm sorry to all of you. If you accept it or not. To the lady in the silk black dress and heels...I've probably lost the chance to shoot my shot. Some don't like it when they hear the sorry. Just keep walking cause you hurt me but remember that this act is the end of our story. I got that loud and clear with a smack to that face. Why is it hard to keep the mouth in alignment like a neck brace?

Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will hurt me more. I agree with this cause I've felt it to the core. Even something that someone said a couple years ago is still sore and I just did it. I think about it and I feel it...this thing...I gotta kill it. These things have happened to me hurt but I know it didn't give me the right to shoot back and put blood on your shirt. I cant stand being the reason someone lost it. I ran my mouth of shit that wasn't supposed to be spoken and now look...the person is broken. If anything sorry ain't enough...the damage was just too rough.

What happened to bringing peace?

I didn't mean to. I don't know.

You didn't mean to!?! Yet you had so much fun running the show. Enjoyed it so much you didn't realise you threw a blow...below the belt. Do you even know how that felt!?!

I just had to run my mouth

You think? Next time do us a favour and shut up. You ain't helping anyone this is probably the reason you stand alone.

I acknowledge the fact I hurt some people and understanding the damaging is impossible...not even in a million years. I'm sorry...if it means anything to you. I'll lay back...take the walk of shame with all the crack. Even if it takes years...find it in your heart to forgive this human. If you want me to walk away...I'll drive. You want space.....I'll give you the solar system.

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