Christmas party (Part 1)

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- "Hey, whatcha doing?"

- "At the dorm, doing my beauty routine, freezing to death, you know, normal stuff."

- "You never came back to class. Kruspe's got some hella good skills in guitar, AND he's your...-"

- "I know Alex, I know, he's my lovey dovey sweet pumpkin. Can we please not mention this name again?"

- "Look, I think I understood what irked you so much, but in my honest opinion, you overreacted. Please don't kill me. Pleeease."

- "Haha, you just signed your death certificate mate.", I giggle, painting my finger nails and bolstering my phone between my chin and my shoulder. "Now change of topic. Any plans for tonight?"

- "I was about to ask you out. There's a Christmas theme party downtown and I thought that it would be a good idea inviting you."

- "Oh no... Alex, don't hate me, but I already planned something for tonight..."

- "Oh, like what?"

- "I met, uhm, one guy today and he asked me out first, with no more details about why. I really can't cancel it, it's important."

- "Hm, maybe when you finish you can give me a call and I'll come to get you? Before you say anything bitter, I improved my driving skills, no need to worry."

- "I trust you. Okay, a date it is, then! I gotta hung up now, I have to take a shower... You know."

- "Aaah, I know... women. K, bye Anna we'll talk later, have fun!"

- "Thanks munchkin, you too."

I hung up the phone, smiling. I really love Alex. He's one of my closest friends, including Melanie, and the moment we introduced ourselves, we just clicked. We matched as friends, like puzzle pieces. He never fails to cheer me up when I'm in a bad mood and he's always there for me when I need him. What a gift to have a friend like him.

I get into the shower and I let the water clean my body and my thoughts. I have a strange feeling for tonight's meeting with Paul. Paul fricking Landers. It sounds so surreal, just thinking about it. I have no clue what he's going to tell me and why he appeared out of nowhere. There must be a plan behind all this, but I can't figure out what kind of plan yet. I hope I'll find it out somehow. Two more hours. I'd be lying if I said I'm not nervous.

Two hours later

I get into the taxi and the driver gets me to the address Paul handed me. It's located in a narrow road, parallel to Alexanderplatz. I thank the taxi driver and I start walking. My black fury boots sink into the fluffy snow and I face difficulty reaching the bar's door without the fear of falling down.

When I finally reach the door, I face a surprising coincidence. The whole bar, the windows, the tables, the chairs, are full of Christmas decorations and colourful little lights. The all-time classic Mariah Carey song makes the scenery even more Christmasy and the clients, along with the staff, are dressed in costumes: elves, Santas, reindeers. It's the party Alex informed me about. It's official. Paul is one funky party animal.

I take off my coat and sit on a table near the bar, like always. It's my favourite spot. I see no sign of Paul yet and I start getting more and more nervous as the time passes by. I order a lemonade and wait. I'd rather not drink alcohol because we all know how it always ends. There he is. He's dressed casually, in a grey coat and his beanie and approaches me, politely shunting the people and sits at the other side of the table.

- "Hellooo Anna.", he drags the o's teasingly and takes off his gloves. "I hope you weren't waiting for long." I nod negatively. "If I stayed one more minute out there, I'd definitely transform into a snowman."

- "You tell me.", I agree. "Anyway, what's with this bar? If I knew it was going to be Christmas themed, I'd show up dressed as something."

- "Don't worry, I already took care of it."

He takes out of a plastic bag a pair of reindeer horns. I stare at them, ready to laugh.

- "Look what Paulie brought for you!", he shakes the horns.

- "Please don't tell me that you expect me to wear these in public."

- "Why not?? Come on, they're cute!", he presses me. "Plus, you're lucky enough I didn't bring you Santa's beard. THAT would be an interesting show."

- "Oh whatever, just give them to me." I take the horns and wear them, striking a pose afterwards. "How do I look?"

- "Santa would be blessed to have you in his team.", he slowly claps his hands with a proud face.

- "I'll take that as a compliment."

The waitress comes to take Paul's order and he asks for a Vodka. Ah, that damn drink. His face gets serious and turns his head at me.

- "Time to reach the purpose of our meeting, dear Anna."

I feel my heart beating fast. I wait impatiently for his words, as he makes a long pause, breathing suspiciously heavily.

- "You have my attention. Whatever it is, I can handle it. I think." I take a deep breath to calm myself.

His eyes meet mine.

-"Here's the thing. Richard is in love with you."


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