Chapter Thirty Nine- Restless

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Albert's Pov

I was very much grateful for what Claire had done for me a few minutes ago but most importantly I learned something valuable. Something I may not have paid attention to in the past.

My wife listens to me and she does it well.

I simply asked what became of the boy and my wife took it a step further by adopting the boy on the day of our wedding. Again she was too pure for me and there was no way anyone could say I deserved such a woman.

She was an Angel.

"Wesker?" Claire asked as she looked from me to the closed door before us. Based on the look on my wife's face she was beginning to question my mental health. I had been at this door for a while now.

I began to question my mental health also.

"Yes..." I was jerked from my thoughts, my eyes falling on the keys rested in the palm of my hand. Claire gave me a puzzled look as I leaned in to open the door.

"Wesker are you okay?" She asked and I straightened, the key being turned stiffly in the nob.

"Yes" was my one worded reply, Claire eyeing me oddly as she was the first to enter the room.

I turned the lights on, Claire liking the arrangement of our room because she smiled. There were roses on the bed and seeing this I hurriedly removed them, my cheeks warm.

"I have no idea how those got there and..." she held my hand firmly, Claire gazing up at me from beneath her lashes.

"I love roses, you can place them in the vase over there" she told me sweetly. I did exactly what she asked.

Claire untied her hair, her hair striking temptation because I wanted to touch it so badly. She gave me her back as she slowly brought her dress down, my eyes fixed on her naked back.

I removed my jacket, me tugging on the collar of my under shirt and Claire stared at me as she tuned to face me while she removed her shoes. I could see her cleavage clearly and my manhood sprung to life immediately.

Before I knew it we were both half naked, Claire in the shower while I laid on the bed with my eyes fixed on the ceiling. Was our fresh marriage already in trouble because of what I had done to my wife?

Tonight was the night newly wed couples did the naughty but Claire and I would be an exemption. Claire now feared me as her husband, something I may never be able to fix.

Whenever I would look at her I knew she had some amount hatred for me. She would never forgive me for scaring her both emotionally and physically.

I ran my fingers through my hair, my heart begging me to do something but for once in my life I could admit something proudly. I was a damn coward.

There was no way I would enter the shower with her. Claire would tremble like a leaf in my arms and it would not be because the water was cold.

I longed to hold my wife, to kiss her with her body trembling in my hold. Tonight all I wanted to do was make love to her over and over again, having her scream my name in various position.

I wanted to taste her. Have her small frame covered my my larger frame.

I wanted her to feel me inside her even when our session ended. I grit my teeth painfully.

How will I ever right my wrong?

My phone rang and I answered on the third ring. The call was from Hunk and seeing this I knew this was a rather urgent matter.

"Yes..." was my draggy greeting, Hunk breathing heavily as usual. Why that man wore the mask everywhere he wen, I had not the slightest clue.

"I am at the location but who I am after has already left" he told me and I sat up, my teeth now bared. Why did I not expect such an act?

Every since my three years absence the entire corporation fell to the ground. Many persons left, some leaving before my return and some leaving the moment they heard of my return. Jack and Ada did their best in the uphold of the firm but lets just say, I was the person all my employees feared.

"I know exactly where she is headed, I need you to get to the airport and fast. The data she has is just the type of bullshit the media would love to get there hands on" I hissed and when my eyes met blue I looked away.

Claire said nothing, wet hair being dried.

The woman gained unauthorized access and as a result she was able to retrieve valuable data. I had found the person responsible for the slip up and while that person was murdered this woman was on the loose.

I was quite worried about the media gaining such valuable data. All the world needed to know was that umbrella was dead.

"What now boss? Do you want her dead or alive?" he asked and I sucked my teeth.

"Dead" was my final word before the call ended.


I made myself comfortable on the sofa, Claire having the entire bed to herself and even though her back face me I knew she was not sleeping. Just like me she found this night to be restless but for completely different reason.

There was no way she would want me in any shape or form after what I had done to her.

"Why did you do it?" came her soft voice, Claire's back still to me the moment the question was issued.

"You and I both saw how lovely you looked, it is quite clear that Mr. Kennedy has feelings for you" I told her as I kept my eyes glued to the sealing.

"Leon would never..."

"You really don't see the way many of these men look at you don't you?" I asked as I stood, Claire sitting up only to have her legs dangling at the edge of the bed.

"And that give you the right to rape me?" I asked and I closed my eyes. Rape, I hate that word more than anything.

"I wanted to show you..." but she didn't allow me to finish.

"Show me what Wesker, that I am just a object to you..." But now it was my turn to cut her off.

"Don't you dare, if your intention was never to cheat on me you would never put that dress on in the first place. I know that you wore that dress for a man" I hissed as she stood firmly.

"Actually yes, I did wear that dress for a man" she told me and my eyes widened. Something within me tore.

"Leon" was all I said, Claire placing my finger on her lip.

"Albert Wesker...I just wanted you to love me once more. I wanted you to find me attractive in a way that would lead us to making love...just not in a way that would cause me to shiver every time you look at me...touch me" She added and even in this very moment she was shaking.

I feel to my knees, my face pressed to my wife's stomach. My face rest comfortably between her legs,claire's shaking hand resting on my hair.

Tonight was going to be all about her. I was going to worship her body and while rough sex was what I was used to tonight I want her to feel me going at a tempo she had never felt before.

Vote and comment guys :) That was a timely update right?

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