Out with the old

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"NIKKI! HURRY UP." I sighed as I stopped brushing my almost waist length black hair.

"I'll be there in a minute!" I yelled going back to finishing what I was doing. Sometimes I hated having a brother. I'm Nikole Ariana Lahote; I just turned 16 and I'm from La Push, Washington. That annoying voice you hear yelling at me to hurry is my older and much annoying brother Paul. Don't let him fool you we are only 11 months apart; but if you let him he's day it was more. I grabbed my bag jogging down the stairs.


"Paul shut up." I said grabbing a banana and walking out the door. Paul quickly followed as we got in his car and he drove us to school. We both went to the tribal school on the reservation. In fact everyone did, we somehow had a building fool of kids as young as 3 all the way to 18 sometimes 19. My brother parked his car and I hoped out trying to run ahead of him. I made it ten feet before he grabbed my arm spinning me around.


"Ugh." I said jerking my arm away. "What Paul."

"I know where you're running to and it's to find Jacob."

"He's my friend, get over it."

"He's more than that and I know it." He whispered before letting me walk away. I shook my head as I walked away, my brother was overprotective and hot headed; the later something we had in common. When I reached my locker I smiled seeing Jake leaning against it talking to Embry.

"Hey chick." Jacob said pulling me into a hug. I hugged him back breathing in his scent. He was one of my best friends, Paul hated it of course but he could deal. I didn't complain about all the trashy girls he was always around. I had almost every class with Jake, I basically always had. I couldn't shake what my brother had said earlier about Jake and I. it was in my mind all day, even more so in lunch when Paul was sitting with a group of bimbos, one on his lap. He looked over at me while I was day dreaming and staring at Jake. He moved the girl Ali in his lap some then looked at me.

"I know." He mouthed motioning between Jake and I. I shook it off returning to my friends. By the end of the day Jake was leading me outside his arm draped over my shoulder. The next thing I knew I was being knocked back, I looked up to see my brother shoving Jake away from me before roughly grabbing my arm.

"Stay off her Black." He said cruelly before he shoved me into his car, loudly slamming the door. I looked out the window looking at Jake. I mouthed "I'm sorry." Barley seeing his returning smile before my brother sped off.

"Paul, what the hell."

"Shut up."

"No, you're an ass, you had no right."

"I have every right."

"No you don't."

"Do you not see the way that punk looks at you."

"Who cares, he's my best friend."

"Really, what kind of friends make out, or do you do that with Embry and all your other friends too." His sentence made me stop and look at him in shock. "I told you I knew Nikki."

I tried my best to play it off. "I don't know what you're talking about."

"Figures." He said tossing me his phone. "That help ring a bell." He stated gripping the wheel harder. I picked up his phone shocked at the picture staring me in the face. It was a picture from my birthday party almost 2 months ago. Jake and I had snuck outside; we had been drinking a bit. Then again I did get lucky enough there was a huge party going on the same night of my bday; we never realized we had been followed.


"So why are we out here?" I said motioning to the back yard. The party was in full swing inside, some sweet 16.

"I wanted to talk to you alone for a minute."

"So what's on your mind?"

"You're beautiful." I blushed looking up at Jake.

"Thank you, you're not so bad yourself." I leaned back against a tree taking in the beauty of the night.

"Can I do something without you punching me?"

"Yes." I said trusting him. To be honest I actually had a crush on Jake, I would never tell anyone though; that includes him. The next thing I knew Jake lightly grabbed my chin making me look at him before gently pressing his lips to mine. I felt fireworks go off behind my eyes. I grabbed Jake kissing him back. After about ten minutes we pulled away from one another breathless.

"Happy birthday Nikki." He said pressing his lips to mine one more time before grabbing my hand and walking back inside.


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