Chapter 2

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Another update because you’re all incredible at commenting!

Dedication to: @SmilingNiallxxx because I laughed so hard reading your comments.



I laughed loudly, dodging the punch that swung towards me.

“Aw come on Greg! Yer gonna have to do better ‘n that.” I jabbed back, dancing around my older brother playfully. I laughed again, jumping and grabbing my brother into a headlock and rubbing his head roughly with my closed fist. I cackled, as my brother tried to escape from my grasp.

He elbowed me roughly in the stomach, causing me to loosen my grip slightly. Only slightly, but it happened to be enough for him to twist in my grip and flip me. I landed roughly on my back, the wind knocked out of me as I hit the ground. I could feel the bruise that was bound to be there, but I didn’t really care.

I sat up, laughing slightly. Greg smiled down at me, holding out a hand to help me up. I grabbed it, allowing him to haul me up and into a hug. I patted his back laughing lightly as messed up my hair. I ducked under his hand, playfully glaring at him as I tried to fix my hair.

“Oi boys, time to eat. Enough of the rough housing yeah? Theo will learn some bad behaviors from you two.” Denise scolded, while we just smiled wickedly.

“Aw, but you love when I come in to town.” I chided playfully, ignoring the shoulder shove my brother gave me as we walked closer to their home.

“Always, you know everyone is Ni.” She insisted and I smiled, showing I was only joking. “Outlaw or not, you know people here would protect you. They always have.”

“I know, and I would protect everyone here as well. Now, let’s eat. I need to be getting back soon.”

“Stay the night Niall, there’s always room for you. You cant trek out at night anyways. The guards ‘ill be out patrolling tonight for riders. King’s been getting stricter about these things.”

“The guards are different now?”

“No, there are just a few extra patrolling tonight. They’ll be gone in the morning to the next town along the fields. The king’s convinced that’s were all the riders are hiding. It’s ridiculous.” Greg commented, shaking his hands and rolling his eyes as he said ‘all the riders’.

What a joke. The king was such a joke, acting like he knew exactly where we were. Acting like we weren’t a threat and keeping everyone scared so they couldn’t fight back.

What a bloody joke.

I rolled my eyes, shaking my head at the stupidity of the person people called a ‘king’. I know of many who don’t see it that way, who would speak otherwise had there not been guards at every door in the market. Who would say otherwise, had the king not instilled fear into every citizen of the kingdom.

That was how he stayed a king.

“This is great thanks D, I missed yer cookin.” I complimented, taking another bite of the delicious stew and winking at my brother’s wife. She laughed nodding, before leaning over and kissing my brother’s cheek.

Jealous bugger.

“Easy Greg, it’s a compliment, ‘m not going to go and marry ‘er.” I chided, winking and taking another bite of the stew.

“Yeah yeah, it’ll only work once on ‘er.” He commented back, nudging his wife lightly as we all laughed except for Theo, who was eating his stew and humming a tune not listening to a word of our conversation.

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