Chapter 4

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Well hello all! Another chapter? Your wish is my command.
Dedication: @SmilingNiallxxx (I want to slap him too), @smiley_miley_ (apes they are yes, and I like your profile picture), & @taryneckert.
Pages: 8; Words: 2,502
I woke up with a smile on my face, something just seemed right today. Like all my worries were lifted from my shoulders, and something incredible was in store for me today. It might as well have been my dragon's excitement and happiness shining through; sometimes I couldn't piece apart our emotions. Either way, it was okay, and I was excited to get on with the day. The good-byes would be sad, but I always send letters and I always come back. Good-byes are sad nonetheless, especially good-byes with my brother.
I know he worries, and I appreciate that, but I'm a big boy- I can handle myself. I can tie my own boots and everything. I get why he's worried and concerned, really I do, but I've always been safe and careful.
He's scared I'll end up like our parents: betrayed by someone close. He says it'll be my kindness and compassion that will eventually be my downfall, which I have to watch where I put my trust. I suppose it's easier said than done, considering I help people in need no matter who they are or what they look like.
I silently got up, rolling up the wool blanket and folding the lumpy palette into a square, placing them together neatly in the corner. I walked the short distance to the kitchen, hugging Denise tightly as she handed me an apple- a small delicacy when all of them didn't sell in town. I smiled thankfully, before grunting as my brother tackled me in a bear hug, tears lightly streaming down his face.
"I'm going to miss you. Be safe little bro, keep doing what you do. I'm so proud of you." He mumbled as he pulled back, holding me at arm's length. He laughed lightly as he swiped at his tears, and I smiled a small sad smile back. I hated leaving, but I had responsibilities and a clan to look after. He was fine here with Denise and Theo and my clan, well, they needed me. I couldn't just leave them to fend for themselves just because I missed my brother.
Everyone has to make sacrifices, mine just happened to be leaving my brother and never living a normal life. I would always be an outlaw, a rebel, a nuisance to the king and his guards, but I was living happy. I was living free, and not under an unfair king. I was living like this so I could fight for what's right, so I could be a voice for the voiceless, so I could help those who don't have the means to help themselves- who don't have the means to stand up and fight back.
"I'm going to miss you too, you know? I'll be back before you know it. Time flies when you're having fun, and when you're dreading something. So, be that as it may, I'll be back real soon." I mumbled back cheekily, causing a loud laugh to escape from my brother's lips. I smiled, already missing the sound and I haven't even left yet. "Anyways, the sun is up, and it's already later than I expected. I have to get going, but I'll send you a letter, keep your eyes to the sky." I winked, earning a glare from my brother for the last comment. "Okay, okay. Keep a look out for Ron, on a horse. Better?" I questioned playfully, hands up in mock surrender. My brother rolled his eyes, but I could see the smile plastered to his face. He knows I wouldn't be so reckless, but he gets worked up about it anyways. It was always funny to push his buttons.
I exchanged last hugs with Denise and Greg before bending down to Theo's height. I rummaged through my satchel, pulling out a small twine dragon handing it to him with a small smile. He could be a rider one day, all I wanted to do was make him aware of things like that, and spoil him a little of course. He was my nephew after all.
Greg sent me a small smile, eying the toy. I ruffled Theo's hair a last time before turning and leaving the small, but cozy, home. I took one of the teens from town that we trusted, and one of Greg's horses loaded with all of the supplies and made our way out of the small town I considered a second home. It took 20 minutes, but finally we arrived in the empty field that was out of sight of the town. Bane, my dragon gracefully landed in the clearing, her head down so I could rub the rough bumpy texture of her head. I could feel the content radiating off of her. Her wings were spread, but then soon folded down, allowing us to reach her body were a woven basket was strapped. The teen, whose name was Benjamin, and I loaded up all the supplies and placed them carefully into the basket. We tied everything down and into place, knowing things would shift with her speed and angles when she flew. I then carefully secured the woven top on to the basket, making sure it was secure and there was no risk of losing any of the supplies. I then thanked the boy, paying him five pounds for his help and sent him back with my brother's horse.
'Don't move, I'll be back soon' Bane said, and I nodded knowing the process because I was the one that had made it. She would fly to Navette, a small colony about two days away from our camp- by horseback- where two off my messengers would be waiting to take the supplies back to camp. Flying her all the way back was too risky, and my weight with the weight of all the supplies would take its toll and cause us to fly lower. We couldn't risk being caught, or being followed to where our main camp was. Sure, we had other smaller camps around but the main camp was the biggest, and had the most riders and dragons, not to mention most of the weapons and supplies. They hit that, and they can potentially win the war.
I sat back; relaxing in the clearing, long grass swinging in the breeze, birds singing their song. I smiled, but decided I would meet her at the next clearing- we were running out of time, and I would have liked to have gotten to the next town over by nightfall. It was a day journey, and so far the day was ticking by quickly, and at this rate I would have to go back to Greg's place. I already stayed there too long, and now I was pushing it. Hours had passed and Bane hadn't returned, but I know nothing went wrong because I would have felt it if it had. I was just growing restless.
My eyes were trained on the sky, looking out for the tell-tale flash of green, or even just a cloud moving quicker than normal. I spotted her moments later, but made no move to let her know of that fact, casually glancing towards the sky. She quietly touched down behind me, crouching slightly before I spun quickly and shouted a 'ha' while pointing at her. She looked slightly deflated, and I could feel she was slightly disappointed but she thought it was funny nonetheless- laughing in our heads. That sounded weird, but still.
"Nice try babe, but you've got to be better than that if you want to get me." I smirked, running my hands over the rough bumps covering her head again. She sighed; the hot air from her nose hit me roughly causing me to stagger backwards slightly. "That wasn't funny, stop it." I chuckled, laughing at the happiness radiating off of her. I was lucky to have such a great dragon, one that could be playful with me, but would be serious when needed. And she was absolutely terrifying when angry; she wouldn't hesitate to kill anyone. She was like a mamma bear, and much scarier than any male dragon I had ever seen. Many confuse her with a male because of the temper she had, and because of how domineering she was, although not overly so. She was the typical alpha male but much better- not too controlling, and playful at points.
"Let's go, we've got a lot of ground to cover." I mumbled, a breathy laugh escaping my lips. She was feeling smug, and I glanced at her to ask why, but she answered before I needed to ask.
'You've got a lot of ground to cover; I just get to lazily glide.' She returned slightly and I huffed, but cracked a small smile. I nodded, and quickly jogged the pathway that would lead to the forest that would lead to the town of Cheshire, and past that we would reach some mountains and more forestry. But Cheshire was the goal, so we would have to hurry if we wanted to make it in time. It was already late morning, meaning we would be lucky if we got there by nightfall. She took off behind me, shooting up into the sky quickly as to not be seen. I glanced up, seeing her hiding behind the clouds made me feel she was safe, so I continued jogging down the path, until soon there wasn't much of a path anymore. Minutes later the path was gone completely, trees popping up more often and I could feel Bane begin to get worried. She was always worried when she couldn't see me; she said she felt like she wouldn't be able to save me if anything happened.
"I'm okay." I whispered as the trees began getting denser, the leaves blocking a lot of the sky from me. There were holes and gaps where the sunlight would filter down, lighting up the forest in a serene light. The place was peaceful and calm, and very, very, green that made me smile. It reminded me of Bane. Except her wings were tipped with silver, and the green of the forest couldn't compare to her green.
Roots stuck up from the ground, moss covering the trees, and the whole place looked as if you were shining a green light over it. Birds chirped from the treetops, and crickets chirped. Squirrels hopped from tree to tree, being like the little ninjas that everyone knew they were. I spotted a small brown deer eating the grass sprouting around the stump of a fallen tree, white spots contrasting brightly in the lighting. The air was fresh out here, no cows taking a dump that stunk up the place, and no meat smell lingering around. My fingertips grazed over the soft and damp moss growing on the trees, the material squishing in my hands when I pressed down on it slightly, before it bounced back as soon as my fingertips left. I laughed, enjoying the fresh air and free space. I wasn't crowded here, I could spread my arms without hitting anyone. I felt free here, I enjoyed the smell and the calming sounds.
I knew I had to continue, hours already passing by as I walked and admired the surrounding areas. I couldn't get over how green it was around here, how incredibly calm and serene it was. This was just a perfect place, somewhere that should never be disrupted. It was calm, and the perfect place to run- not that I was planning on running anywhere.
I jogged then, keeping a steady but quick pace as the sun began rising even more. Soon it was already lowering from its high. A loud cackling and mumbling caught my attention, causing me to stop in my tracks and try and find where it was coming from. More low mumbling hit my ears again and I jogged forward trying to spot who it was that was wandering around the forest with me.
Then there was a loud scream that stopped me in my tracks, followed by the loud cackling again. I could hear remarks being thrown around, laughter never ceasing. My jogging increased turning into a full out sprint to try and find whoever that was.
'Curiosity killed the Caladrius Niall.' Bane warned, but I paid it no mind, I was too consumed with helping whoever was being hurt. Finally I saw them, three men surrounding on that was- let's face it- smaller, and less hairy than the one that was surrounded. Two men held him up, one leg helping them with that task while the other hung limply at his side. The biggest man swung at the guy again, a pained grunt falling from his lips. Finally I had enough, stepping forward, and calling out a loud 'hey!'
They all glanced at me, their faces paling considerably. I ran towards them, while they scrambled away, dropping a bag and ran the other way. I chuckled shaking my head at the cowardice. I suppose they recognized me, I was kind of infamous around here anyways.
I jogged up the man, pushing him in a seated position before examining his leg. He just sat and silently stared at me, leg hanging limply.
"Lucky for you, it's just dislocated. Oh, by the way this may hurt just a bit." I muttered before twisting his ankle back into place with a loud pop. He screamed in pain, muttering swear words under his breath. It looked like they tried to break his leg, but his foot was too firmly planted in the ground and resulted in a dislocated ankle. Yes, I knew a little about medicine.
I dug through my bag, looking for my cloth rag. I soon found it, a smile gracing my features with it, and I wrapped the stranger's ankle.
"There ya go, good as new." I mumbled, standing up and helping him to his feet.
"Thanks mate." He muttered gratefully, wincing slightly when he put too much pressure on his ankle. I smiled sympathetically.
"'M Niall." I mumbled, holding out my hand for him to shake.
Well hello!!!!
They've met! Ah! Yay! I was just too excited for this to happen.

Will Harry recognize the name?
What will happen next?
Is Niall's kindness going to harm him more than help him?
Are the three crooks going to show up again?
How will Bane take to Harry?
Is Harry really as bad-a as he'd like people to believe?

Picture of Bane on the side, although she is green and silver and not purple and blue.
Dedication to the commenter that can answer the following questions right:
~ The one place I want to visit?
~My favorite pizza topping?
The funniest commenter

3o votes and comments for an update.

Xx Val

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