Part 18 (Colby's POV)

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"Trap House 2.0?" I ask. "Did you watch the videos?"
"I did."
"But if that happens, they'll need a reason."
"Tell them anything. If you decide to move without them, that's fine. If you and them decide to move, that's also fine. But you can't stay here."
I look down. "I'll talk to them."
Penelope nods. "You should talk to them now." She stands up. "I need to get back to my clan."
"Wait." I stand up. I always thought it was a little funny how small she was compared to me. The top of her head just barely reached my shoulders. "Can't I go with you? I could talk to them later."
She pauses. "You could visit. But you can't stay. It would be too dangerous considering how many vampires are there now." She looks up at me. "Why do you want to visit?"
I shrug. "To see what clan you're from? I don't know."
"Alright." Penelope moves to the door, opening it. "I'm not running with you though, even though it would be faster. You got a car, right?"
"Yeah." I lead her down to the garage at ground level, and stops at my little red Toyota Corolla.
She pauses. "This is yours?"
"Hey, don't judge. It's my baby."
She raises an eyebrow as I unlock it. "Seems new."
"This one is." I say. She glances at me questioningly. "Long story."
"We got time." She says as we pull out onto the road.
"Well, I had a car that looked exactly like this one. Same brand, same colour, everything. But one of my friends, Elton-you haven't met him-he shipped my old car to Texas and destroyed it. With a tank."
She raises her eyebrows. "Elton seems very unfriendly."
"No, it was a prank. Kind of. He got me this car."
"He... destroyed your old car just to get you the same kind of car?"
"It's newer." I glance at her and laugh at her very confused expression.
"I'm not sure what I think of this Elton guy."
"We call him Uncle. He's the prankster."
"Sam, Corey, Jake and I." I answer. "He's kind of like an Uncle."
"Well, from the videos I've seen, he does seem to have a soft spot for you guys."
I nod. "He does. Which way?"
"North." She replies. We continue driving, talking, me randomly asking her questions about her clan. When we get there, I stare open-mouthed at the huge building. It had at least three stories, on a huge lawn. There were people out on blankets, soaking up the sun. Or that's what it looked like. Penelope said the vampires were sleeping.
We get out of the car and I notice at least three vampires glance over, looking confused. Penelope only quietly growls. She leads me inside and says, "Salina."
Salina suddenly appears in front of us. "Everything went fine. Everyone is fed and we're stocked up too."
Penelope nods. "Good."
The Salina glances at me. "Have you thought about moving closer?" She asks me.
"I only told him not long ago." Penelope says. "And he's human. He needs more time to think about it. Plus, he doesn't want to leave his friends. So he needs to talk to them."
"Something smells good." I turn to see another vampire with dark hair walk inside. His green eyes immediately flick to me. "Penelope, I didn't know you brought something."
"He's not for feeding, Danny." Penelope says.
The vampire raises his eyebrows. "He knows?"
"Yes. And I want the clan to know that he isn't to be touched by anyone. Any time he's here." Danny looks back at me, then goes. Penelope touches my arm, grabbing my attention. "Why don't we go upstairs? You probably want to get away from everyone."
I nod, then follow Penelope and Salina up the stairs. Up and up we go, until we reach the third floor. They lead me down a hall, with several closed doors. They stop at the last one and open it. Inside was a huge room that I automatically assumed was the master bedroom. Penelope goes over to the bed, picks up an old looking leather book and carries it to the closet, where she stores it. She turns back. "You can sit, you know." She says.
I sit on the edge of the bed, looking around the huge room. It was designed as Victorian and it looked good. 

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