Part 35

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I sigh. "It's my fault." I say. Then I put up a hand to stop Sam and Corey from speaking. "Don't bother. We all know it is. Micheal wouldn't be after Colby if it wasn't for me."
"What?" Brennen asks, now looking scared and worried for Colby.
"Micheal wants your clan position. He's only after Colby to make you back down." Sam says.
"What are you guys talking about?" Brennen asks loudly, almost shouting. "What are you talking about someone's after Colby? Who's Micheal? What does he want Colby for? What is this about a clan position? Why does he want you to back down? And back down from what?"
"Micheal is vampire. He was originally part of my clan, but when I became close to Colby, he wanted me to step down from second in command, and tried to get my leader to banish me. When I became leader, he became rogue. He still wants me to back down, and he's shown he's willing to do anything to get what he wants."
Sam frowns. "How has he shown that?"
"He killed one of my best vampires three weeks ago. Left me a note wanting me to back down or he'd kill more."
"I still don't understand why he's after Colby." Brennen says.
"He knows I'm close to Colby. He knows what I'll do if Colby is killed. When I die, he can take control of the clan. That's why these guys moved into this house."
"To watch over Colby?"
"Yes. And to be closer to me. Micheal doesn't have as much experience as I do being a vampire, so with Colby close to me and my clan, he'll have a harder time getting Colby."
"Sounds smart." He says quietly. He glances at Colby again. "Does it hurt?"
"Being fed off of? No."
Brennen looks to Sam and Corey. "Have you guys been fed off of?"
Sam shakes his head violently, and Corey puts his hands up. "I have a girlfriend." He says.
"I can't feed off of anyone but Colby." I say.
"Why?" Brennen asks.
"Because one, they're dating, and two, Colby's blood is more tempting to her than anyone else." Sam answers.
"More tempting?"
"His blood is like my favourite flavour." I say. "Besides, I get sick if I drink from anyone else." I wrinkle my nose.
"I would've thought that vampires can drink from anyone."
"Vampires can feed from any human, but we usually drink from our One's, once we meet them." I explain. "It's difficult to explain."
"Is he going to be fine once he wakes up?"
"Yes, he'll fine."
Corey laughs. "It's kind of funny actually, 'cause he's still a little loopy when he wakes up. Looks sick as hell, but still funny to watch him. One time he tripped over nothing, and I still laugh about it."
"What do you mean he looks sick?" Brennen asks.
"Look at him," Sam says, pointing. "He looks like he has a fever right now."
It was true. Colby was passed out, but his pale complexion was very different from his usual tan self. His eyes looked dark, like he hadn't slept in days.
"Damn, what did you do?"
"It's what happens when he insists on being a damn blood bag." I say. "But I can understand why. He gets a kick from it."
"I swear he acts like he was doing some hardcore drugs, passed out, and still had some after effects when he wakes up." Corey laughs.
"It's what vampire venom does." Sam says, ignoring Corey's laugh. "Penelope says it's very addictive."
"You'd be asking to be bitten more and more once you feel it. It wasn't any surprise when Colby wanted to do it again." I say.
"Y'all are acting like Colby's some kind of druggie now." Brennen says.
"In a way, he is." I say. "Just not to the drugs you know. He's vampire venom druggie." Even I laughed at my joke.
"Wait, I have a question." Brennen says. "Is sex different?"
I pause, staring at him. Even Sam and Corey were looking at me curiously. "Yes."
"When a vampire is born, everything is heightened. Our senses mostly, but our emotions too. We feel emotions much more strongly than humans." I pause, feeling a little uncomfortable explaining vampire sex to three human males. "So we feel more during sex. The level of excitement, I guess you could say, would be more powerful to a vampire than a human."

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