Part 43 (Colby's POV)

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I woke up the next morning feeling considerably cold, but it was a few seconds after waking up that I realized why. I turn my head to my other side and smile. Penny smiles back at me.
"Good morning, sleepy." She says.
"I thought you went back." I say.
Something flashes in her eyes, but it was gone before I could tell what it was. "I decided not to."
"Why's that?" I yawn.
"Because I wanted to." She says. "Do you not want me to?"
"No, I do. I'm glad you're here." I roll onto my side and wrap my arms around her,pulling her closer, not caring that she was as cold as stone. "I like having you here."
She doesn't reply.
"Are you alright?"
Penny looks up at me. "Yeah, why?"
I shake my head. "You're lying."
She sighs. "I didn't tell you a lot."
She takes a breath. Really, for her, it wasn't needed, but it helped get the point across. "Micheal wanted to talk two weeks ago. I went to talk to him and he told me that he'd been watching you. He said he wanted to hurt me as much as I hurt him."
"How did you hurt him?"
She pauses, and I suddenly wished I hadn't asked. "I killed his One."
"I thought vampires kill themselves if their One dies." I say quietly after a few seconds.
"Apparently he didn't. He wants to hurt me the same way. That's why he's after you. It wasn't for my position in my clan, it was because I killed a part of him."
I lay in silence, unsure of what to say. Sure, I knew she lied when I first found out about her being a vampire and asked if she had ever killed. She denied it, but I didn't let it bother me. But what about Micheal? When was he going to come for me? What was he going to do to me? Was he going to kill me to hurt Penny, or was he going to torture me? I didn't want to think about it.
I shake my head. "We'll be fine."
"You don't know that, Colby."
"That won't stop me from believing it."
Penny sighs. "Do you remember that night you told me that..." Her voice trails off.
"That what?"
"That-that you love me?"
"Yeah, I remember."
"Well, I never said it back."
"You don't have to if you don't want to or you're not ready."
"I love you."
I smile as I look at her. This beautiful, undead creature. "I love you too."
She smiles back at me and presses her lips to mine. "I'll do whatever I can to protect you." She tells me. Then she turns to look at the door. "Sam's coming up."
Just as she said, Sam opens my door. "Hey, Colby, wake-oh." He stops talking when he sees Penny. "I thought you went back."
"I decided not to." She replies.
"What did you need, brother?" I ask him.
"I was coming to wake you up." He says. "The girls put together a huge breakfast."
I sit up. "Great, I'm starving."
Penny laughs, following my lead. "Humans." I hear her mutter. We follow Sam downstairs and into the kitchen, which was filled with food. Bacon, eggs, french toast, sausage. So much. I took as much as I wanted, thanking the girls and talking with everyone.
Penny stayed all day, by my side. When I decided to do a video, I let her in it. In the video, I had her put makeup on me. Which made everyone laugh, despite how good the makeup was.
After dinner, something unexpected happened. We were all in the living room, just laughing and talking about random things. During this time, I was watching Penny, keeping an eye on her when she stopped engaging in conversation. I noticed that she had her eyes on the floor, but she wasn't looking at the floor. She kept turning her head ever so slightly to the side, as though she was listening to sounds outside. Which she probably was. But when I noticed her expression, I suddenly got worried.
"What's wrong?" I ask her, leaning closer.
She glances up at me, then back to the floor. "Someone's outside."

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