Part 49 (Colby's POV)

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We all stop in front of the Trap House quite suddenly, making the leaves around us stir. I look up at the house, seeing lights on in the different rooms. I could hear their breathing, so I knew they were all awake, talking and laughing. I look down at Penny, who looks up at me reassuringly.
"Just remember, control." She says.
I nod. If my heart could beat, it would be pounding. I was nervous. What if I hurt one of my friends? What if I killed one of them? A million what ifs flew through my mind.
"Come on!" Salina calls, and I notice that she was standing by the front door. Penny pulls me along, before opening the door. I hear the familiar bell that always sounded when the door was opened. My eyes widen when I walk inside, suddenly being slammed with the smell. The smell was so good, and it was everywhere. I swallowed, looking around. I hear the voices stop and then footsteps.
"Colby?" I turn towards the voice and see my best friend standing in the doorway, staring at me with his blue eyes filled with surprise and awe.
I lick my lips. "Hey."
Kat appears behind him, and gasps when her eyes find me. Then everyone else shows up.
"Colby!" Brennen breaks away from everyone else and runs at me, enveloping me in a tight hug, but I barely felt it. Then he pulls away, bring his hand up to massage his shoulder. "Damn, you're like a fucking rock." I had frozen when he hugged me, forcing myself to stop breathing.
Penny reaches her hand out and touches his shoulder. "Careful, don't overwhelm him." Everyone else moves closer, and I'm suddenly finding it harder to not breath.
"Are you alright, brother?" Corey asks me.
"Yeah." I breath out. "I'm just..." I pause, licking my lips. "Very surprised."
"Surprised? About what?"
"Colby's a newborn." Penny says. "He will be until a year. He's still getting used to having heightened senses, so to him, all of you smell like a Thanksgiving feast right now."
Sam takes a step back. "Have you fed?" He asks.
I nod. "Yeah."
"You drank blood?" Corey asks, wrinkling his nose.
"It's not as bad as you think." I say. "It's actually really good."
"I never thought I'd hear you say that." Jake says.
"Well, you're not a vampire." I retort, feeling slightly offended.
"Guys," Penny says. "Try not to piss him off. You will seriously regret it."
"Sorry." Jake apologizes. "I wasn't trying to."
"Like I said, he's still getting used to heightened senses, meaning emotions too, so he gets angry so much easier." Penny explains, taking my hand.
"What was it like waking up?" Tara asks me. "As a vampire, I mean."
I pause. "Weird." I say. "I could see and hear more than I could before."
"Were you hungry?" Corey asks.
Salina laughs. "Penny and I had a job keeping him from killing the first two people we gave him." She says. I would've blushed if I could.
"The first two?"
"Yeah. He fed from seven people in total."
Sam raises his eyebrows. "Seven? Jesus Christ, Colby."
"What? I was hungry."
"His body hasn't ever had blood for twenty three years, so he needed to fill up on twenty three years worth of not having blood. So yes, he was starving." Penny says.
"Wait, I thought Colby was the only one you could feed from. 'Cause he was your One, right?" Sam asks.
"He was." Penny says, emphasizing the word 'was'. "The One is basically a vampire's soul mate. Colby is still mine, but he's not my One anymore. I don't have a One anymore, and I never will. As for feeding, because I don't have a One anymore, I can feed from anyone."
"And what about Colby? Will he have a One?"
"No. If our roles were switched, I'd be his One. Colby won't ever have a One because I'm a vampire."
"This legend is confusing." Kat says.
"Do you remember being bitten, Colby?" Jake asks.
I shake my head. "No."
"What do you remember?"
I pause, thinking back. "I remember Micheal coming in and taking me. Then waking up in Penny's room."
"What's it feel like? Being a vampire?" Devyn asks.
I bring my hands up, flexing them. "I feel stronger than ever."

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