T H I R T Y - E I G H T

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~Bakugo's POV~

I waited as Asuna got her hand checked and bandaged inside the ambulance. Once she was done I thanked them and we headed inside to see if there was anything we could save from her room.
We walked inside her room but from the looks of it nothing looked like it could be saved I went in and started moving things to see if we could find anything but no luck.
"Sorry Asuna." I said to her.
She hung her head low "it's fine I knew nothing was left." She said quietly but I was still able to hear her. She looked up at me tears spilling from her eyes

I ran over to her grabbing her by the shoulders "hey don't you cry! Everything can always be replaced but if something happened to you we couldn't replace you!" I said

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I ran over to her grabbing her by the shoulders "hey don't you cry! Everything can always be replaced but if something happened to you we couldn't replace you!" I said. She hugged me tight I could feel her shaking like if she was scared.
"It's going to be fine asuna." I whispered to her and she nodded against my chest.
We pulled away from each other to see Aizawa.
"Come on we gotta talk to the police."
She nodded and started to follow him. I watched as the walked away
I turned to see Deku and Icyhot.
"We came to see if Asuna was okay." Icyhot said.
"I think so."
"How did this happen."
"I have no idea I didn't ask her." I said "but I feel like this is my fault I should of let her go to class today like she wanted."
"You can't blame yourself."

~Asuna's POV~

I followed aizawa back outside where 2 police officers were waiting for us.
"Hello Ms. Kasai."
I gave them a small nod
"We just wanna ask a few questions."
"I'll be right here okay." Aizawa said looking down at me
"We just wanna know how this fire started."
"One of the L-League of Villains members." They all stared at me in shock "Dabi started the fire with his quirk."
"Who else was here." They asked.
"It was just Dabi."
"Why did he come."
"He wanted to warn me about something I guess I didn't give him a chance to talk." I said.
I feel like I can't tell them everything Dabi said. It just seems safer that way.
"Well that's all we need to know thank you for your time." They said both of them bowing to us.

We watched as they walked away and I could now feel the tears slipping from my eyes I felt someone place there hand on my shoulder.
"It's alright Asuna."
"Aizawa." I said shakily
"We're all glad your okay that's what truly matter."
I shook my head "no I'm so sorry I couldn't fight against him I was scared to burn the dorms down.." I said.  "Aizawa I'm so tired so tired of people getting hurt, things getting ruined and just not being able to live my life how I want." I said clenching my fist staring down at my feet.
I was starting to feel the hopelessness sink in and the overbearing feeling of worthlessness wash over me. No matter how much I train no matter how much I think I'm improving or getting stronger it all just seems pointless. "Maybe I should just go back it would make everything easier for everyone."
He placed his hand on my head like he always did to reassure me. "that's one of things about being a hero keeping damage to a minimal."
He moved his hand and I looked up at him and he had the smallest smile on his face. "I know it's tough for you but trust me you aren't alone you need to accept that you have friends who are willing to risk it all for you just like your ready to risk it all for us."
I started to cry more when I felt Aizawa pull me into a hug.
"Everything is going to be okay I promise."

After a few minutes of me crying my eyes out we went back inside aizawa went to his room and I made my to Bakugo's I took my time getting there I was trying to gather my thoughts and fix myself up because I know I probably look a mess.
I slowly opened the door and he was sitting at his desk doing homework he slowly turned around in his chair to face me "Your back." He said with a small smile
I nodded and walked over to him I sat down in his lap wrapping my arms around his neck and burying my face in his chest I could slowly feel him wrap his arms around my back pulling me in closer.
"I'm sorry. I should of let you go to class today and none of this would of happened."
I pulled away from him and grabbed his face so that he was looking at me "don't fucking say that." I said he stared at me with wide eyes "don't you dare you were just looking out for me kacchan you wanted me to feel better so please don't blame yourself." I leaned forward placing a kiss on his lips. I pulled away "and don't worry okay I'm okay."
He pulled me into another hug squeezing me tight
"I'm glad I have you."

Few hours passed

I slowly opened my eyes turning my head to look at the clock on Bakugo's nightstand.

'3 am.' I thought 'maybe it's for the best.'

I slowly got out of the bed I grabbed one of Bakugo's sweaters and a pair of shoes putting them on I sat down at his desk pulling out a paper and writing a note to leave for him to read once I was done I walked over to Bakugo who was sound asleep I placed my hand on his cheek rubbing my thumb underneath his eye. I leaned forward a little placing a kiss on his lips I stood up and made my way towards the door and headed outside I turned around one last time a couple of tears escaping from my eyes and I quickly wiped them away with my sleeve.

"Please everyone forgive me and
Please katsuki forgive me this is for the best.."  I whispered

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