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"Go to Asgard they said. It'll be fun they said. Oh yeah, I'm having so much fun," you grumbled as you walked through the junkyard you had woken up in. 

After Hela had pushed Loki and you out of the Bifrost you had lost consciousness while floating in space, and then you woke up on a pile of scraps in what seemed to be a weird space junkyard. The weird wormholes in the sky and the foreign ships flying around defiantly meant you weren't on Earth or Asgard. Since waking up you've been walking around trying to see if you can find Loki or something that can help you figure out where you are.

After what felt like an hour of walking you saw a black and white ship hover over you. You paused to get a good look at it but as it started to get closer your common sense kicked in. You ran out of its way and hid behind a big pile of metal scraps. Once the ship roughly touched the ground it placed down a ramp and opened its doors. 

A woman wearing leather armor staggered out, you were surprised she didn't fall off with the way she was moving. When she started to look around you ducked back behind your cover and hoped she hadn't seen you. Her ship didn't seem like it was built to get you out of this planet, but it could make it easier to get you somewhere besides this junkyard. 

You grabbed what resembled a pipe off the ground and held it close to you. If she ended up being unfriendly you at least had something to defend yourself with. You glanced towards her as she turned around, leaving her vulnerable enough for you to slowly come out of your hiding spot. You held your weapon up defensively and slowly approached the woman in front of you. 

As you stood almost three feet away you swung the pipe at her head only planning to use enough force to knock her out, but before you could make contact she turned around quickly grabbing your weapon with her left hand and punching you in the face with her right. That punch sent you tumbling straight to the ground, she was stronger than you thought.

"Would you believe me if I told you it was an accident?" 

"Nice try," the woman hovered over you, an amused look on her face. Being closer you noticed the white markings on her face that resembled war paint.

You quickly pushed yourself off the ground and lunged at her, but she managed to move to the side. As you turned to try to lunge at her again you felt a sharp pain on the side of your neck making you stop. "What the hell did you do?" 

She smiled and took out a small device from her pocket and pressed a button causing a powerful shock to go through your body. This made the other times you've been shocked look like a joke. Your legs gave out and you fell to the ground, your eyes started to feel heavy and the last thing you saw before losing consciousness once again was the stranger smiling as she dragged you towards her ship.

A/N: Hope you all had a good Christmas and New Years! Short update hope you guys enjoy.

*valkyrie has entered the chat*

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